Blizzard Responds to Diablo 3 "Online" Complaints

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SC2 and the new, why didn't i see this coming?
oh no! Now i will not see that "your cdkey is in use" when log into diablo3!
omg no! i will not have to look for those cdkeys that i threw somewhere when i need to reinstall the game!
what?? noooooooooooo! you telling me that i will not have to start over because my pc went kaaaboom and i lost all the save files?? NOOO!
and what?? nOoOOO!! now i will not have to copy and replace those save files when if i use both pc and laptop? this is insane!!!!
this is just tooo muchhHH!!!! diablo 3 requires internet!!!
I will not play Diablo 3 and stick with WoW because WoW requires both monthly fee and internet! and still being at the top!
SC2 and the new, why didn't i see this coming?
oh no! Now i will not see that "your cdkey is in use" when log into diablo3!
omg no! i will not have to look for those cdkeys that i threw somewhere when i need to reinstall the game!
what?? noooooooooooo! you telling me that i will not have to start over because my pc went kaaaboom and i lost all the save files?? NOOO!
and what?? nOoOOO!! now i will not have to copy and replace those save files when if i use both pc and laptop? this is insane!!!!
this is just tooo muchhHH!!!! diablo 3 requires internet!!!
I will not play Diablo 3 and stick with WoW because WoW requires both monthly fee and internet! and still being at the top!

Being sarcastic, aren't we?

1) "Your CD key is in use" - we're talking SINGLE PLAYER here, not
2) "look for those cdkeys that i threw somewhere" - keep your CD key safe, as they say. Or use keygen if you lost yours.
3) If your PC went kaboom to the point where you can't recover save files (and the only cause of THAT can be HDD failure), that's your own fault because you didn't keep backup. That's another reason why I oppose this BS - they teach consumers to be lazy asses who don't know how to secure their stuff.
4) That's actually a good argument, but completely outweigned by other negative stuff this online DRM throws at us.

You'll have to come up with something better than this.
Sometimes I like to play with cheats or trainer, just to get through the single player story. I was going to buy the game, Blizzard. You have to let us play single player campaign without monitoring stuff..
[citation][nom]WhysoBluepandabear[/nom]Um, no. You're an idiot. You're not going to cap on this game, or run GB worth of data a month on it. It's equivalent to very light web browsing.[/citation]

I believe the only idiot here is the one you see when you look into a mirror.

It will NOT be equivalent to very light web browsing. Do you even more how much data is going to be needed when every action by your character and everything happening to it needs to be authenticated every time if they want to prevent cheating? Think and use your brain for one instead of shooting off your mouth without going through your brain.
[citation][nom]jprobes[/nom]Rumor has it you might need a computer to play this game... eff this nonsense. lern2vrinthemind....[/citation]

Now here's a tip top example of how NOT to use your cow senses.

Using a computer to play your computer game? That is a given.

But what has that got to DO with needing a persistent online connection to play a single player game that requires NOTHING from the server? Why was the choice even taken away? Just to line their pockets, I believe.
[citation][nom]icarus550[/nom]By this logic YOU should have the right to fly in any game YOU have purchased. The developers have a right to create the product and experience that THEY want to. YOU have the right to decide if you want to share in that experience or not. Perhaps I'm just more fortunate than you, but my internet connection is connected 24/7 anyway. I will gladly accept a required internet connection to help insure a more pure experience. If you want a more hacking-friendly experience, there are plenty of games out there for that.The only people with legitimate complaints are those with limited or no internet connectivity. For those people I am sorry, but you are missing out on a heck of lot more than just a new Diablo game.[/citation]

Do you not even realise that it is an added and totally unnecessary hassle to the single player mode? And what does it gives to the single player game? Nothing at all.

And the clincher is that they CAN solve this in a better way by using the D2 solution and giving us offline single characters that CANNOT be used for Multiplayer game. I would even accept that even though it means I can't play with these characters in coop with my friends, seeing how they removed the LAN Coop option too.

But will they do that? NO. And they reason is because they "do not even want to look into it". Read the interviews.

PS if you believe that this is going to eliminate all botting and cheats and hack, time to wake up. In D2, single player character and open BNet character CANNOT enter the Close BNet, but you still see people complaining about botting and cheating and such. So you think that this is going to change?
[citation][nom]icarus550[/nom]By this logic YOU should have the right to fly in any game YOU have purchased. The developers have a right to create the product and experience that THEY want to. YOU have the right to decide if you want to share in that experience or not. Perhaps I'm just more fortunate than you, but my internet connection is connected 24/7 anyway. I will gladly accept a required internet connection to help insure a more pure experience. If you want a more hacking-friendly experience, there are plenty of games out there for that.The only people with legitimate complaints are those with limited or no internet connectivity. For those people I am sorry, but you are missing out on a heck of lot more than just a new Diablo game.[/citation]

And no, by this logic, it means that I should be able to play a SINGLE player GAME without been slaved to their server and made to jump to hoops, just to get the game going. Red Herring Alerts.
[citation][nom]amk-aka-phantom[/nom]Being sarcastic, aren't we?1) "Your CD key is in use" - we're talking SINGLE PLAYER here, not "look for those cdkeys that i threw somewhere" - keep your CD key safe, as they say. Or use keygen if you lost yours. 3) If your PC went kaboom to the point where you can't recover save files (and the only cause of THAT can be HDD failure), that's your own fault because you didn't keep backup. That's another reason why I oppose this BS - they teach consumers to be lazy asses who don't know how to secure their stuff.4) That's actually a good argument, but completely outweigned by other negative stuff this online DRM throws at us.You'll have to come up with something better than this.[/citation]

keep cdkey safe? sure, but many things can happen through the years :)
lol keygen!!!!! i see i see.... and there, it came out :)
so u want to backup ur save game every time u save? great... why not just have blizzy server hold it for yah :)

and what i mean by "cdkey in use is" - when u have single mode like d2 right now, 1 set of cdkey can be use more than once because it ask for it when u install into comp, not into ur accnt, therefore someone else can use ur cdkey and when u want to get on battlenet, u cant. a friend of ur use it or could be someone accidentally "generate" ur cdkey. with the new "cloud," u add ur cdkey into ur accnt, install game without using cdkey, and then just log on :) easy and simple, whatever happen to u, ur stuff still there
maybe u are waiting for ur friend to buy the game, make 20copies, give u one and 19 others to ur other friends, using that same cdkey?

weighting out the - and + ...... lol base on what make u said all + are "completely outweighed" by the -
from what i see, the + are so much better and more than the -
blizzy not that stupid to waste their time and money on new stuff only to get more - from it,
maybe u are waiting for ur friend to buy the game, make 20copies, give u one and 19 others to ur other friends, using that same cdkey?

Lol, that happened so many times... too bad most of the time the games they buy are crap.

lol keygen!!!!! i see i see.... and there, it came out :)

What came out? My game, I do whatever I want - crack it, generate the key, modify it, delete it... what the hell did I pay for? 😀
im a huge lan fan, but this really comes down to, what killed diablo 2, and how can it be fixed, then the solution is, something that negates lan play and offline single player,

out of anyone i knew that played diablo 2, lan play and single player play consisted of 1-5% maximum of the amount of time invested in the game. so for people to want a game based on the old model, which is highly vulnerable, we should sacrifice the main aspect that 95% of people will play 95% of the time for something less than 5% of people will do 5% of the time?
[citation][nom]wildkitten[/nom]Except character and item information will be on Blizzard's servers. That means no offline play. To get around Blizzard's servers, private servers will have to be established. No doubt they will be, but that does not take the game offline, merely shifts where online you go to.[/citation]

All stored in one convenient character file for single player most likely. Even if it is a database, tricking a game to write/read from a database isn't as hard was making a complete private server. No private servers are required...
[citation][nom]amk-aka-phantom[/nom]Lol, that happened so many times... too bad most of the time the games they buy are crap.What came out? My game, I do whatever I want - crack it, generate the key, modify it, delete it... what the hell did I pay for?[/citation]
And that is exactly why blizzy has this resolution bro :) What u're saying is "I don't want these new stuff Blizzard because I can't play it for free. I want to go download the game, generate the keys, and play!" Which has nothing to do with "no internet."
Why WoW and other online-only games has no stupid complaints, but this game does? Can people just look at this like another online-only game? You can pvp or pve or whatever you wish. D2 has offline mode so D3 must have offline mode too?
Beside this is not like an offline-only game that requires you to get on the internet (like Assassin Creed). I understand complaints here, but man, Diablo 3 is an ONLINE GAME. Just because it has the "campaign or story mode" from d1 and d2 that allowed u to play offline, doesn't mean it must have an offline mode for D3.
Must Blizzard rename Diablo 3 to World of Diablo to have it content be online-only like WoW? From Warcraft 3 to WoW, no one say anything about Warcraft has offline contents and WoW does not. Why putting up the heat on Diablo 3?
Anyway... Blizzard and any other companies has their right to have plans for anti-piracy. Get fire up only if they fail on their end... like their server lag, they lost your save files, etc. Rage because they make an online requires game = lame.
Why WoW and other online-only games has no stupid complaints, but this game does?

1) WoW is an MMORPG, Diablo is not 2) WoW can be played offline, as I said, if you know how to set up your own server 3) "blizzy"'s "resolution" won't stop piracy 4) quit accusing ME of piracy, I'm just reasonable and won't refuse if a friend brings a game and suggests I try it out or wants to borrow a game from me...

Anyway... Blizzard and any other companies has their right to have plans for anti-piracy.

They sure do! And I have the right to do whatever the hell I want to with their game once I buy it... not that I will. Not because of the DRM (15 minutes searching for crack to remove it, so it isn't a problem), but because I don't like Diablo 😀
Reasons why this is a crock of crap. When my sh*tty time warner/direct tv "hub" goes down, traveling on the road, or roommates downloading, I wont be able to play single player game. You paid $60 for the game, $2,000 for a computer..but you can't play becuase your internet is down. Bogus!
Actually this is a red herring argument.

First of all, offline single player character have NO impact on the security and economy of the closed BNet characters and players.
So Blizzard cannot justify its removal on the need to keep the BNet secure.

It is very very possible to allow a separate offline single character to be created that cannot be ported to the BNet at all and this would certainly help to satisfy everyone.

So what sacrificing are you talking about. On the other hand, what blizzard is doing, is sacrificing the need and want of those who mainly want to play single players (which is definitely more than 5%, where on earth did you get that from?) for the sake of their need for profit and getting everyone to use AH and be on BNet for future potential profits.

[citation][nom]brisingamen[/nom]im a huge lan fan, but this really comes down to, what killed diablo 2, and how can it be fixed, then the solution is, something that negates lan play and offline single player, out of anyone i knew that played diablo 2, lan play and single player play consisted of 1-5% maximum of the amount of time invested in the game. so for people to want a game based on the old model, which is highly vulnerable, we should sacrifice the main aspect that 95% of people will play 95% of the time for something less than 5% of people will do 5% of the time?[/citation]
What a stupid argument.

First of all, having a SINGLE PLAYER CAMPAIGN means just that ... that portion of the game is single player and do NOT need to be online to play. So why force people to be online to play?

And you are the only one who insist that Diablo 3 is an ONLINE only game, while before, as late as early this year, the developers are still promising offline single player campaign. So who are you to get on your high horse and proclaim that now?

[citation][nom]sinny1[/nom]And that is exactly why blizzy has this resolution bro What u're saying is "I don't want these new stuff Blizzard because I can't play it for free. I want to go download the game, generate the keys, and play!" Which has nothing to do with "no internet." Why WoW and other online-only games has no stupid complaints, but this game does? Can people just look at this like another online-only game? You can pvp or pve or whatever you wish. D2 has offline mode so D3 must have offline mode too? Beside this is not like an offline-only game that requires you to get on the internet (like Assassin Creed). I understand complaints here, but man, Diablo 3 is an ONLINE GAME. Just because it has the "campaign or story mode" from d1 and d2 that allowed u to play offline, doesn't mean it must have an offline mode for D3. Must Blizzard rename Diablo 3 to World of Diablo to have it content be online-only like WoW? From Warcraft 3 to WoW, no one say anything about Warcraft has offline contents and WoW does not. Why putting up the heat on Diablo 3?Anyway... Blizzard and any other companies has their right to have plans for anti-piracy. Get fire up only if they fail on their end... like their server lag, they lost your save files, etc. Rage because they make an online requires game = lame.[/citation]
that is not how it works at all. If a game have CD key, then it will be checked against the game server but ONLY during installation and perhaps during start up of each game. So the question of people installing a game using your CD key would not arise, unless the developers is so inept and is just asking for lawsuits.

And please ... what you list here are all irrelevant since they are all wrong info. What blizzard was trying to sell was the "gospel" of the beauty of BNet and all its new bell and whistle, but not everyone is biting because it means nothing to single players.

[citation][nom]sinny1[/nom]keep cdkey safe? sure, but many things can happen through the years lol keygen!!!!! i see i see.... and there, it came out so u want to backup ur save game every time u save? great... why not just have blizzy server hold it for yah and what i mean by "cdkey in use is" - when u have single mode like d2 right now, 1 set of cdkey can be use more than once because it ask for it when u install into comp, not into ur accnt, therefore someone else can use ur cdkey and when u want to get on battlenet, u cant. a friend of ur use it or could be someone accidentally "generate" ur cdkey. with the new "cloud," u add ur cdkey into ur accnt, install game without using cdkey, and then just log on easy and simple, whatever happen to u, ur stuff still thereormaybe u are waiting for ur friend to buy the game, make 20copies, give u one and 19 others to ur other friends, using that same cdkey? weighting out the - and + ...... lol base on what make u said all + are "completely outweighed" by the - from what i see, the + are so much better and more than the - blizzy not that stupid to waste their time and money on new stuff only to get more - from it,[/citation]
Its sad to see greed take over the Blizzard motives...I'm 74 years old
have been playing pc games since, Wizardry!! I detest the idea I need to
be frisked everytime I want to play, the GAME I PURCHASED...I'm not a
terrorist, I pay for my seat, I don't play online,ever!! Frankly,you
can be sure I will not purchase Diablo 3.
P.S. Sure is nice to wallow in wealth..
This whole "piracy" concern is bull.. They will probably just pull usage statistics and get free marketing from users who wont read the EULA which will no doubt state that they may use information on you and your gameplay for their own interests... Requiring an internet connection is an awful idea. If someone is on an airplane, only some flights offer internet... Not to mention the price of the internet is often around $15 each way. That is ludacris to pay that just to play a single player game. I love to play single player diablo.. As much as the hacking of the game made it a bad experience, requiring an internet connection is even worse. It is going to keep the honest people off of the game, and cause bad reviews and make players turn into ex-players and stop supporting the company, ultimately causing a fail on the company itself.
[citation][nom]tinmann[/nom]I can't understand all the fuss, unless you just wanted to cheat your way through, or you're too broke to have internet (then why are you here typing?) or just wanted to pirate the game, I don't see a valid reason why they shouldn't, I mean, so many other games are only playable online. Your not getting anything free for sucking up to the man.Brilliant. [/citation]
Yeah, brilliant reasoning. Because pirates really care whether or not the game requires an always on internet connection. There will be a crack available the first week it releases.
[citation][nom]brickman[/nom]Also puts a lot of traffic on our already overloaded internet highways[/citation]


80% of the back-bone fiber in the USA is dark and even of the used fiber, it's under-used, even at peak.

Am I to assume this was a sarcastic remark?
to play diablo... i am fine with the always on. I don't use hacks or cheats or mods. I have an always on connection, with no limit and plenty of bandwidth. and i live in a small rural town.
I still play diablo II after 11 years (not WoW) and am really looking forward to the new version. will probably pre-order once there is a release date. I may even rebuild my computer for better speed, graphics and sounds.
When hell freezes over and the devil skate on ice before i subscribe to such BS. Damn right i said it!!!!
LMao!! you guys are all bullshit saying you "won't buy this game" or "will be a customer that they just loss"..because they won't allow you to play by yourself away from The thing is, the game is going to be damn fun and I bet you'll buy the game some where in the future, regardless of what you said here.. they are doing the right thing, i don't want no cheaters at all when i play. It totally ruins the fun.

BTW, there are other things you can do when there is no internet connection, like real life................duh.
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