Blizzard's Next WoW Expansion Looks to the Past

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I don't understand why people hate WOW so much. I've enjoyed WOW a LOT when I had the time for MMOs few years ago (7yrs ago?). I still wish I have the time to commit and invest in WOW but life gets in the way. The new expansion looks awesome and if any of you actually watched the panels; you'd know they made a lot of improvement to make the game even better. I am really happy for the WOW players. I know I would be very excited for this xpact if I still play WOW.

Stop hating WOW. It's making more $$ than every other single MMO on this planet after 10 years. Who hates money? Do you hate money? Why hates so much for a game that you don't even play anymore? I assume all you haters did love WOW at some point (at least the original WOW?). Don't act like a whiny ex-gf who got dumped (or simply moved on). I know I loved WOW whole heartily and had so much fun with my friends during the 1st year of its launch. We were not hardcore players, but we had so much fun. We spent a whole night gathering in the goldshire Inn, doing emos (/joke, /clap, /laugh). Good times man.

Also, Hero of storm looks awesome!!
I recently cancelled my account out of pure boredom and frustration with idiots in the game. Not to mention the bugs. Getting damage for something you are not standing in is bs. Perfect example is the warrior rare elite in the alliance side in Karasang Wilds. His special attack is buggy as can be. I actually took damage while standing behind him and his special attack. I strafe to the side and I have been hit more times being far away from it than close to it. The rogue one is no better with her shank. It is completely random how far I have to be to avoid it. Only the dwarf priest one seems to actually work right. Blizzard is getting lazier with every expansion. Removing things constantly from the game proves this. Like in MoP, the removed head enchants. They could have easily just given that ability to engineers like they did the shoulder ones to inscription. Every expansion gets watered down a little bit more. The pathetic talent choices and mostly useless glyphs show this as well.
Tough talk from Blizzard but we've heard it all before.. yawn.... Two months after it releases, the whiny bitches will whine and Blizzard will bow down and nerf everything into easymode anesthetic drip for coma-zombie gamers. ITS SOO HARD OMG I ONLY HAVE 1 HOUR TO PLAY EACH NIGHT WHERS MY FREE PURPLES OMG.

and Blizzard will listen. just like every time. And they will lose millions more subscribers and then just make a bullshit excuse that its just an old game and thats what happens. But history knows better and will remember this easymode bullshit era of dailies and free purples as the cancer of Warcraft. Facts are: the subscription numbers were at their height when the game was at its most challenging.

go ahead, spout some tired excuses about old graphics and other games and not going ftp.
The free purples didn't really show up till the end of the expansion. For anyone that is new or has a fresh 90, there is no way to gear up in a reasonable amount of time to get to do Siege this late into the expansion. Especially if RNG hates you with a passion. Prior to 5.4, you had to do mindless daily grind or deal with idiots in LFR if you weren't lucky enough to have a raiding guild or on a small pop server where raiding is nearly non existent. Flex raid is actually a great addition and probably the smartest thing Blizz has done this expansion and is apparently quite popular with the player base. CRZ is an epic fail. Connected realms will hopefully be the right way to solve the low pop server issues. The height of the WoW population was Wrath and many consider that an easy mode expansion because of the easy purples, which again, were near the end of the expansion.
There's an incredible amount of hatred flowing through the comments here. Hating 5-man dungeons for not being 'hard' anymore. 5-mans aren't, and with very good reason: they are not endgame content. It's entry-level content, there's no reason for entry-level stuff to be tuned into 'hard-mode' that is engaged in by entry-level players sometimes grossly undergeared.

If you want your 'hard-mode' 5-mans, then engage in the Challenge-mode 5-mans. Those are obscenely difficult, have a speed leaderboard that is server-wide, and absolutely require this CC that you so apparently demand be necessary for a game to be fun to you.

Raids today, they are in every single way much harder than they were back in the so-called golden age of raiding known as BC. Barring bugs or mathematical impossibility without class stacking, Siege of Orgrimmar is by far the hardest raid ever released (mechanically). One small detail those looking from the outside in when determining the difficulty of fights/raids based on the progress of the world-firsts is that these guys get paid to raid 20hrs a day, 7-days a week. They were the ones testing these fights on the Test Realm and they have been doing this since the golden-age. They are a part of the 0.01% of raiders capable of completing content within 2 weeks of release. As of now, 2 months after release of the latest raid, there are less than 50 guilds who have killed 'hard mode' Garrosh. Beginning in this Expac as well, there are no mass nerfs to raids until the next tier has unlocked, and a specific achievement is implemented called "ahead of the curve" which you can only get on pre-nerf final bosses.

To have 7-13million players, and have such robust and amazing content that they KNOW will only be seen by the best 500 players in the world while the content is still considered 'current'. Hell, normal mode will likely only be completed by the top 10% of guilds/raiders before the end of the expac. If you want to be a part of an elite few because you are more than skilled enough to achieve such greatness, this is absolutely the game to play and this is the best time in the game's lifetime to play it.

And it's only getting better with age.
hmm... Blizz should really bring back the designers and developers from TBC and WOTLK, those were EPIC expansions with minor "dull" moments. IMHO, those expansions really required a challenge be it personal or by guild.
wow another new world.. haha another secrets to get gold...
my brother get's 300k daily using wow gold addon..
Good news.. the SEO want's it to F2P.. by the way.. get the gold addon in

Yea people only remember the easy purples at the end of the expansion. Still Heroic LK was far from easy. Some low pop servers got realm first well into Cata. Ulduar was far from easy and ToGC was no picnic either. Naxx on normal was considered kind of easy as top guilds were completing it early into release wearing their sunwell gear. Most of the wrath gear from 70-78 pretty much sucked. I can get the top end lvl 70 pvp gear now and it lasts me till 78 every time, and by then, I can wear cata greens. In wrath, my paladin wore most of its gladiator gear till 78 or so as well. Even the lvl 78 gear wasn't a huge leap. Real upgrades didn't hit till ilvl 200 gear.
It is always annoying to me that you grind and grind and work hard for months to get the killer purples just to have the 1st greens given out in the 1st quest of the next expansion be better.

Also it seems Blizzard always caters to the little whiny cry babies posting on the battle-net and screw the majority of is customers. That is why people keep leaving and yet they never learn. You can never please the whiny cry babies they will cry and complain no mater what you do instead take care of the lion's share of your customers.

I play the game for fun not to just make gold all day what fun is that? Plus I heard this add-on is a rip off.

Actually, Blizzard got better with that with MOP and they plan on doing a better job of it for Draenor. The item level might be higher, but honestly, most of my LFR DS tier gear lasted me till at least 83 or 84. Stats, set bonuses, gems, and enchants just made the gear better, despite the ilvl. Wrath to Cata the gap was pretty bad for all but the most geared people at the end of Wrath. BC to wrath really wasn't horrible as top guilds, as I said earlier, were clearing Naxx in their sunwell gear.. I am not sure for those that were in top vanilla raid gear going into BC fared.
It a game people I just want to enjoy the whole experience and not be moaned at bye some wound up moron who thinks they are Gods gift to a keyboard a finger smith.
Most of us just want to enjoy the adventure take in the scenery enjoy the game at our own pace meet like minded people who join the world to chill out and relax and every now and again have a good scrap.
They should take all the stressed out know-alls who apparently know everything yet nothing about the concept of the game and give them there own realm where they can whine and complain at each other until there hearts are content
And the rest of us can be more supportive of each other mistakes and all
make new friends if that is your thing and join a group knowing that your going to enjoy the experience and help others or be helped not bullied
But as things stand your forced to suffer these bullies in order to get the best gear in the game
we shouldn't have to pay good money to suffer fools we should be able to get the best gear solo if we want even if it means longer harder quests
I would rather spend days questing solo to get a single piece of top gear
than suffer the embarrassment of being kicked from a group or talked down too bye these selfish egotistical arrogant people

Agreed it is very disheartening to wait in a que for over an hour to go on a raid and have a chance to get some better gear just to have some wet behind the ears jerk that probably doesn't even have a job, or a life berate you because your DPS isn't as high as his.

At least you can go to the timeless isle right now and get some 496 timeless armor tokens pretty easily and get some burdens off the rares and upgrade the gear token to 535 level gear. That is better then the 528 gear you can get in LFR.
That's True Littleleo
timeless isle is a step in the right direction at least there you can go it alone if you want and your not holding anyone back plus you can send the unused gear to your alts which is cool
and it costs nothing to be nice to other world members
enjoy your adventure

Not always it depends on a few factors. I use Ask Mr. Robot and check before I swap out gear. You can also use it as a guide for enchants, geming and reforging.
I use that as well. I would take tier 528 over a 535 timeless piece, though. Especially if said tier piece allows you to get one of your set bonuses. Went to look at my gear as I haven't played for about a week and realized I logged out in my PVP gear. :lol:

I hate it when that happens, lol

I also use Icy Veins it has good info on classes like helpful macros, and I like to see the video's on the new raids when they come out.
It is sad when a server undermanned like that I haven't checked my gear score in awhile after I ran all my current 90s thru the last Raid I've been taking a break. I didn't even do the gear tokens I got, just a little burned out on it I guess. Doing some SCII right now, and maybe be some DIII before they close the action house.
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