[citation][nom]Matt87_50[/nom]I'm a professional game developer, I've made a networking system and your right, it is hard to counter the lag of the internet, on the other hand, HOW OLD is battle net now? and the net is only getting BETTER, meaning LESS lag, so if it worked before, why not now??? and we are not all pissy about not being able to play the game illegally!! I am so sick of ppl thinking that we complain about DRM because we wanna play it illegally, quite the opposite! we complain about DRM because we wanna play it LEGALLY without hindrance after paying them money!!!LAN support is needed for legal play. every time you go to a proper LAN, the chances are its been organised at a church hall, or a community hall or some place where there is lots of space, and nothing to be broken or stolen. AND THESE PLACES DON'T HAVE NET!! sure you could get wireless net, but the ridiculous costs of downloads mean that even for gaming, the cost of the net is a factor, AND WE SHOULDN'T NEED THE NET! the problem is they a turning the Internet into an EVEN MORE necessary utility than electricity. I mean, you can use a computer on a UPS or a laptop on battery without the need for electricity, but u'd STILL need the net to play. the problem is, the Internet is not even nearly as mature utility as electricity. Imagine when everywhere there is a power point, there is a net connection, which costs a couple of cents per GB, THEN the internet will be as much a Utility as the other Utilities, and then programs relying on the net will be perfectly fine, but until then, its not fine for something to rely on the net unless it absolutely has to.[/citation]
We must play games without the net, Yet your freakin cellphone probably has more Download and upload speed streaming though your 100 dollar a month plan then your dsl line or cable ever gives you. At least if you are in the US. Face it if you want to get a house do you shop around for houses that you like enough to buy or do you build your own house, you didn't build the house so complaining about it is pointless. People that hold lan events so big they can't use an internet cafe or something along those lines and have to use a place without internet should have the brains to assemble a way of getting internet there.