
Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.misc (More info?)

I have been asked to look into making a "Blood Bowl" pitch and I know there
is someone out there who knows the dimensions and field layout. Could
someone please help me out.

May your staff be swift and your blade be quick.



Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.misc (More info?)

Blaile Greenfern wrote:
> I have been asked to look into making a "Blood Bowl" pitch and I know
> there is someone out there who knows the dimensions and field layout.
> Could someone please help me out.

The standard pitch is approximately 17.5" wide & 30" long, divided into 15
squares wide and 26 squares long (with the rows on the long ends reserved
for the goals). Bear in mind the board itself in the game is a little
bigger than this since it also incorporates the scoring area, but that's not
necessary if you can track it some other way.

One of my gaming buddies has created a Blood Bowl pitch using a 2' x 4'
piece of plywood, equally divided up into squares as listed above (15x26).
The beauty of that is that it's not as tight on the board as a regular pitch
and can accomodate the larger creatures a little better. I'd say that as
long as you're somewhere between the larger & smaller and still have the
same # of squares, you'll be just fine.

Interestingly enough, there used to be rules to allow players to create any
size pitch for their teams. I always dreamed of a Treeman team with a pitch
that was about 6 squares wide... <grin>
