Yesterday, when I was using my PC some blue horizontal lines appeared and my pc froze before crashing. When I rebooted my pc the blue Horizontal lines were still there ( at times flickering) and my screen resolution was smaller which I was unable to change in the display settings.
I tried updating my GPU drivers but every time I do it goes through the installation process and says it's done but it has not which I can see when I check for updates on new drivers.
I don't have a spare device to test my monitor on to see if that is the fault, however, When I boot my PC in safe mood the blue lines are now gone and I can change the resolution back to 1080p so it is most likely the GPU?
gtx 1060 3gb
ryzen 1600(3.2ghz)
8gb ram
I tried updating my GPU drivers but every time I do it goes through the installation process and says it's done but it has not which I can see when I check for updates on new drivers.
I don't have a spare device to test my monitor on to see if that is the fault, however, When I boot my PC in safe mood the blue lines are now gone and I can change the resolution back to 1080p so it is most likely the GPU?
gtx 1060 3gb
ryzen 1600(3.2ghz)
8gb ram