Yesterday when i oppened my laptop i saw it was disconnected from the network.When i tried to connect back to my home Wifi it froze and then i got a bluscreen.I reinstalled windows and then when i wanted to connect back to internet i again got a bluescreen. After this i connect to my mobile hotspot and then it worked just fine
I dont understand why it bluescreen only on my house Wifi and what can i do to make it work because i cant always use the mobile hotspot because it is slow. I tried to reinstall the drivers,some cmd command but with no results
The error code is DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATON i googled about it and i see that the cause is that the PC is executing a DPC operation that takes longer than it is allowed to but i dont understand what does this means
I dont understand why it bluescreen only on my house Wifi and what can i do to make it work because i cant always use the mobile hotspot because it is slow. I tried to reinstall the drivers,some cmd command but with no results
The error code is DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATON i googled about it and i see that the cause is that the PC is executing a DPC operation that takes longer than it is allowed to but i dont understand what does this means