Question Boot SSD gone after a Restart but working after a shutdown

Jan 24, 2025
Hi Guys,

I purchased a new build and everything worked fine until i restarted the PC, when restarting i will go straight to the BIOS and the SSD I boot from is no where to be found, however, when i shutdown the PC and turn it back on all boots exactly as it should. I have tried reseating the SSD and changing it to a different M.2 slot without any luck.

Unsure what information would be required to help if anyone can but ill provide details to help get this issue reolsvoled if possible.

what are specs of the PC?

Is this windows 10?

There can be a difference between restart and shutdown on windows 10. If you have Fast Startup enabled, the pc doesn't shutdown fully when you turn it off, it goes into a hibernate state. Restart is only time a windows 10 PC is actually off.
So that could explain the difference in behaviour
Its always got power until a restart.

Its meant to be off in windows 11, and if you have an nvme, it really doesn't help as its more to make hdd seem faster. Nvme don't need help.

is it an nvme? its possible the front page in Aorus motherboards just shows sata drives, not nvme. they might show on another tab. It wouldn't explain why bios didn't see drive though.

can you show us a screenshot of Disk management?
right click start
choose disk management
expand top and bottom areas to show everything
take screenshot

what make/model nvme?
I not sure I would trust one that randomly disappears. Or doesn't wake from a cold boot/restart,
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