[SOLVED] Booting from three separate SSD's with three separate OS's


Aug 28, 2019
I have three Separate SSD's in my system and instead of having to boot from Bios every time I was wondering is there a way to get a boot menu or something ?
The operating Systems are Windows 10 Home
Windows 10 Pro
Kali Linux 2019.4
I have a feeling there's an answer here somewhere but I'm searching it incorrectly, I keep coming up with dual booting from the same drive I have three separate drives.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
If you see this thank you again it wont show the Linux but I was more concerned about Windows now I have a boot menu to go between those two at least thank you again.
Yeah the boot creator says Windows wont let it use Kali but it's no big deal two out of three ain't bad.
One more time thank you.
My bios doesn't have that option I just looked, what the other guy gave me works it's just Windows stops the tool from working on anything other than EFI, I researched it and there doesn't seem to be a way around it.
thank you for your help though, I just don't get why Windows forbids it and there's no way around it, like I said earlier I have two out of three at least, so that's something.
Thank you again.