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Jan 21, 2013
Does a fx8350 bottleneck 2 HD 7970

And is 2 gtx 680 is better or 2 HD 7970 is better

And if at all fx8350 doesn't bottleneck , which am3+ motherboard is good..?? :bounce:
Hmm each to there own. i had gtx 590 and enabled TXAA I personally strongly disagree.
I dont get choppy gameplay/screen tearing thats why i dont care about adaptive vysnc . And txaa to me personally Does not give a better experiance i had it on my gtx 590. i see no difference If anything its jagged edes are smoother on the 7970 in my experience. I disagree the 680 being better

Some prefer the 7970 over the 680 vice versa. I personally just took which ever was cheaper. Even if they were the same price i would just flip a coin since the performance difference is so tiny

However yes the 670 has decent value.

Anyway no point in us arguing you prefer the 680. i prefer just which is cheaper and offers the same perfomance
GTX 680 is faster than Radeon 7970. No doubt about that. And if someone begin on that Ghz edition thing, then I just would like to say, that you don't compare a stock GPU to an overclocked one. GTX 680 can be overclocked like a beast. - Overclocking comparison

FX 8350 will bottleneck even one of the GPUs. - Benchmarks at stock

Even overclocked it perform worse than a stock i5-3570k. - Benchmarks with overclocks and stock


Aug 21, 2011
Did you already buy the amd 8350? You will get a bottleneck my amd 6300 stock bottlenecked my 7970ghz. i had to overclock it to get rid ofthe bottleneck

7970 ghz is faster than the 680,3232-13.html

7970/680 at stock trade blows 680 wins some 7970 wins some. Dont be a fan boy

Both cards are great cannot go wrong with either. If you want phsyx Badly take nvidia if not the 7970 has 3gb of vram. take your pick
An Intel chip will give you either, the same/slightly more or a lot more FPS than the 8350, depending on game/resolution and settings.

The two cards you mention are too close to call and realistically either would be fine. the extra Vram on the AMD card will be better for higher resolutions and settings.

Mactronix :)

Well here you just do what I said you shouldn't. Comparing an overclocked GPU with a stock, ofc it's faster because it's factory overclocked.


Aug 21, 2011

I know what you said. Does not mean i have to listen. Esspically since the 680 has that turbo boost

Anyway Op trying to get a i5 3570k It would be much better for sli/crossfire imo


Aug 21, 2011

Whatever you think. my friend owns a 680 asus top it boosts too 1200mhz i got a 7970ghz at 1050mhz. We get around the same fps in every game....

Tell me how the 680 is better? You seem very bias towards the 680. I prefer neither brand i simply choose the 7970 ghz over the 680 because of the price difference. But after seeing you own a 670 i understand. I dont like talking to fanboys :non:

Both cards are fast Theres no clear winner like last generation 6970 vs 580 choose either you cannot go wrong. ;)

Look at the benchmarks I posted.

Also, GTX 680 has lower power consumption, it offers adaptive vsync, PhysX and TXAA.

Remember that not only the core clock matters in gaming. The 7970 Ghz edition has also overclocked memory, which he haven't.


Aug 21, 2011

And the 7970 has 3gb of vram 384bit compared to a 256bit and 2gb and destroys it in computing,3161-15.html

My memory is overclocked its at 1500mhz i bought my 7970ghz 2weeks ago....

I couldnt care less about power. or txaa or adaptive vysnc ill admit phsyx is cool. But i wouldnt choose nvidia just for that feature.

Stop this. Both cards are great.

What are you trying to achieve? if your trying to prove to me the 680 is better your failing horribly.

Hahahaahaha i just noticed that benchmark was posted in march LOL.

You do realise that a 680 boosts too about 1000mhz and the ghz is 1050 thats a 50mhz difference the reason the 7970 is winning is because of the new drivers.... not really the overclock and its a small one at that stock 7970s im pretty sure are 900mhz

If you want to bealvie the 680 is faster Go ahead HOWEVER dont spread around false information I dont care if the 7970 ghz is "factory overclocked" Its faster or atleast on par accept it,3232-13.html

Who is buying a gaming GPU to do computing? If the OP were to do computing, then he should buy a GPU that is meant for it, like a Quadro.

I haven't been spreading any false information.

I haven't said that Radeon 7970 is bad, I just have said that GTX 680 is better.

AMD only released the overclocked 7970 Ghz ed. because GTX 680 was better than the regular Radeon 7970 and GTX 670 was on level with the Radeon 7970. So AMD stood where they stood last year, where GTX 570 was on same level as Radeon 6970. They wanted to get back ahead.

TXAA is the best AA there is. Adaptive vsync solves the problem with not using vsync and the problems with using traditional vsync. No screen tearing and no choppy gameplay. How can you not care about that?

If we're talking value I might agree that Radeon 7970 is better for the price performance wise. GTX 680 has bad value and only GTX 670 has strong value in the 600 series lineup right now, because of the recent price drops that AMD has made.


Aug 21, 2011
Hmm each to there own. i had gtx 590 and enabled TXAA I personally strongly disagree.
I dont get choppy gameplay/screen tearing thats why i dont care about adaptive vysnc . And txaa to me personally Does not give a better experiance i had it on my gtx 590. i see no difference If anything its jagged edes are smoother on the 7970 in my experience. I disagree the 680 being better

Some prefer the 7970 over the 680 vice versa. I personally just took which ever was cheaper. Even if they were the same price i would just flip a coin since the performance difference is so tiny

However yes the 670 has decent value.

Anyway no point in us arguing you prefer the 680. i prefer just which is cheaper and offers the same perfomance

TXAA is only for 600 series.



Aug 21, 2011
Really i enabled it on my 590? maybie im wrong. Either way i swapped out my 7970 with my friends 680 for a couple of days to see the diffrence in perfomance . and had txaa enabled still didnt feel a difference. and the fps was around the same. and cosindering the 680 was $ 170 more (where i live atleast) i didnt wanna flop it out

Anyway. haha

7970 crossfire would be nice however if you prefer nvidia OP get 670 sli. however 7970 crossfire would be faster

That I can agree with. With value in mind.
Jan 21, 2013
Guys any body here saw the comparison between amd and Intel chips by razetheworld fx 8350 blows intel at very high resolution

And by the way how would a gtx690 fare against gtx680 sli , I could buy one gtx690 and buy one more after a year or Two when it is cheaper or should I wait for amd hd8000 series or gtx700 series since I have a gtx 580 I can wait till they launch...!!

And guys how much would the next gen gpu's flagship cost ?? any idea ?? approx

Since I live in india I am forced to pay 650$ for a 530$ gtx680 and sometimes for high resolution monitor I am forced to pay 200$ extra so if the next gen cards are costly leave them alone...!!


Nov 15, 2012
considering u already have a 580, u r not in a dire need of new GPU
and how much u will wait,
that all depends on what AMD decides.
if it decides to go for the 7000 series tactics u'll have to wait until nvidia launches the 700 series, so that AMD will lower the prices.
but if AMD decides to launch it in a decent price it will be another story.

when AMD alunches the 8000 series it will definately give better performance.
ex:8780 will be powerful than 7870 and 8790/8970 than 7970.
and the 7000 series will be cheaper too!
the more u wait the cheaper it gets!
there is only one thing about waiting that i say,
"if u CAN wait u should"!
it is never a bad choice.


Nov 15, 2012
and for the 8350 "BLOWING" away intel,
at higher resolution the bottleneck shifts more toward the GPU and the difference between the cpu's is negligible!
at 1600p an i3 will be almost same as an i5!!
lets look at this for example,,7.html
do u see how the bottleneck shifts more towards the gpu?
the athlons, phenoms and i7's are almost teh same!!
ofcourse it is not multimonitor in that case cpu matters more.
u should definately read this,,3407.html
it is EXACTLY what u need.
any more questions?
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