[SOLVED] Bottlenecked setup?

Dec 17, 2021
Hi there people!

I was hoping someone could help me determine if i am bottlenecking myself with my current setup.

Air flow is pretty consistent, with CPU watercooling and otherwise 6 fan flow.

My current setup is this:

Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz 4.20 GHz

Installed RAM 16,0 GB

System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 3090

Harddrives: 2x Samsung EVO 840 SSD 500GB

I was thinking of buying a new set of 32 or 64 GB Ram, and also a new SSD with 10 times the speed of my old Evo's.

I have also considered upgrading the CPU, but im thinking it still keeps up fairly well.

Any suggestions? :)

Best regards
Hi there people!

I was hoping someone could help me determine if i am bottlenecking myself with my current setup.

Air flow is pretty consistent, with CPU watercooling and otherwise 6 fan flow.

My current setup is this:

Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz 4.20 GHz

Installed RAM 16,0 GB

System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 3090

Harddrives: 2x Samsung EVO 840 SSD 500GB

I was thinking of buying a new set of 32 or 64 GB Ram, and also a new SSD with 10 times the speed of my old Evo's.

I have also considered upgrading the CPU, but im thinking it still keeps up fairly well.

Any suggestions? :)

Best regards
NVMe SSDs will provide very little change in...
Hi there people!

I was hoping someone could help me determine if i am bottlenecking myself with my current setup.

Air flow is pretty consistent, with CPU watercooling and otherwise 6 fan flow.

My current setup is this:

Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz 4.20 GHz

Installed RAM 16,0 GB

System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 3090

Harddrives: 2x Samsung EVO 840 SSD 500GB

I was thinking of buying a new set of 32 or 64 GB Ram, and also a new SSD with 10 times the speed of my old Evo's.

I have also considered upgrading the CPU, but im thinking it still keeps up fairly well.

Any suggestions? :)

Best regards
NVMe SSDs will provide very little change in performance in most situations.
More RAM is a waste of money unless you are actually running out with 16GB.
You might be CPU limited with a 3090 depending on the resolution and specific game.
BUT all systems have a limit. That is NOT a bottleneck. Does the system perform acceptably? You didn't list any specific problem.
Yeah a 7700K is a bit under whelming for such a GPU, You can overclock it and it will help some, but it'll still hold back the 3090 in a lot of games, If you do have the funds to upgrade, at the minimum, I'd go for a 9900K and board that supports it, but not a bottom of the barrel kind of board, the 9900K does use a bit of juice and can get the VRM a little hot on some cheap boards. For AMD, well, a 5800x would also be the lowest I'd go. if you got the money, the 12900k or R9 5950x is where its at, but you do need a new board, and the 12900, some boards will have the option for DDR5 ram which is vary expensive if you can even fine DDR5 ram anywhere, not worth it over DDR4 right so.

Good luck!
As others wrote, not knowing your gaming resolution and/or if you own a very fast refresh rate display make it a little bit hard to give you a decent answer.

About SSD speed, you will need a newer motherboard with PCI Gen 4 support. And for gaming, for the time been, it wont make a difference (it wont hurt either).
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