Question Bottom of a CPU - 3 curious questions

May 24, 2019

First of all, no, there's nothing wrong with this processor as far as I can tell. I aquired it from one of my friend's PCs, after he moved to a MacBook (normie). But regarding the contact pads on the bottom, I have a few questions:

Processor Photo (sorry bout the flash, but it was required)
  • Is there any specific names to the center contacts? And for the edge ones?

  • Some processors seem to have flat edge contacts. Mine has holes in the middle of most of them, or in some cases two side holes, or no hole (actually seems like blocked holes // could it be residual dust/thermal paste?) whatsover. What is the point in these holes?

  • Is the cleaning process the same as with flat contacts? I'd usually use 99.8% Isopropyl Alcohol, but it's the first time I see holes in these bottom pads. Same procedure?
Thanks in advance for the help lads, I did some research but couldn't find what I was looking for.
The middle are not contacts, they are either capacitors or resistors
I don't know what you mean holes? I don't see any holes at all. Are you talking about the marks on the contacts? That is where the boards springs touch and leave a slight mark.
You could clean it with that, sure. Although I don't know if you really have to
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