Bought a computer and it's broken, wondering what could be wrong?


May 25, 2012
Okay, so today, I went to a dodgy computer sale place, and I bought a HP Pavilion(not sure of the model number) but it's specs are a 2.6ghz processor, 40gb hard drive, and so on..
Bought it for a bargain(as you do with dodgy computers)
Plugged it in, turned it on and it just beeped, nothing showed up on the monitor, or anything
Just wondering how can I find out what parts work and what parts don't so I can replace the broken parts, or possibly just strip some of the guts out and sell the rest..
How much experience do you have troubleshooting a system? If you don't have any, I would simply turn off the system and unplug the power supply. Remove the motherboard battery for one minute, and reinstall. This will reset the bios and might get you a post screen or some beep codes if your board has a built in speaker. If you don't care about the money you've spent, then you can learn how to troubleshoot by removing or disconnecting components until it posts if you're lucky. I would normally suspect the power supply or motherboard, but it could be something else, like a bad hardrive. Start by disonnecting the hardrive connectors, and try posting. Also check youtube or google for troubleshooting videos. They're out there; plenty to choose from.
Sounds like Ram beeps to me, count the beeps and google 'HP Pavilion error beeps' see what the net can bring up,
other than that its reading part no's on the components like the mobo to id them, and then go from there
take it back and see what the "dodgy" computer store is willing to do for you.

Alright, I have a friend who's a bit more knowlegable coming over and hopefully he can help with this, as I have almost no clue about any of this..
Update guys, I've managed to get it working, I used my old tower's graphics card and ram and it now boots fine, so hopefully now I'll look for a good graphics card and a good ram drive that fits.
Thanks for the help though guys.