Question Brand new built PC wont Post


Jul 3, 2018
All parts were purchased brand new and went through pc part picker
NZXT B650e Motherboard
Teamgroup T.Force 32gb RGB Ram
W.D 2t.b m.2 SSD
Samsung 970 2t.b m.2 SSD
DeepCool 240m AIO
Corsair RM850e PSU

(I am using cable extensions and the corsair iCue rgb accent lights if it matters)
Computer lights up internally, GPU Lights up Fans move on the AIO but not the GPU or the case fans,(I am like 90 percent sure I forgot to plug in the fans but had to take a break as this has been an all day endeavor , will plug in next time I open up)
Unsure if GPU fans spin when not underload. CPU and DRAM lights come on and stay red. The monitor Is brand new and confirmed working. I haven't had the chance to try all the usual fixes , but I did re slot the ram, and the ram is in its designated position (2+4)
I have tried letting it sit for 10+ minutes for the boot to happen, as well as the CMOS and BIOS flashback button (unsure if there was more to do than just pressing them but that's all I did )
I have to work early tomorrow but will attempt any fixes when I get home , I will test if a RAM stick Is faulty and attempt to post with CPU integrated graphics, but any fixes or ideas would be greatly appreciated

I have received the money back and am waiting for my replacement part, MemoryExpress informed me the board was working(oops) , apparently after 5 failed boot attempts they had to clear the CMOS by removing the battery, (I only reset with the button on the motherboard, and followed the instructions in the manual, but it seems like I'm just stupid lol, thanks for eveveryone's help here, it was an interesting and slightly stressful experience but all seems to be sorted out.

Very thankful the return was easy and they didn't fault me for my stupidity .
(I am using cable extensions and the corsair iCue rgb accent lights if it matters)
Might want to try and power the system with the bare minimum, breadboarded without any fancy splitters or extensions.

Might want to also inspect the CPU's socket for any bent or broken pins.

Which two slots are the rams populating on the motherboard? Might want to relieve the mounting pressure by the AIO on the CPU's socket, see if that helps bring life to the system.
Hi, i did my AM5 build last week and i get what you are saying.

Just to confirm:

Have a single stick of ram in the A2 slot and try booting up. It will go to the post screen and will give you 3 options:

1) press 'Del' or some button to enter setup - I did that and i was stuck in that page for 30 mins. nothing happening.

2) 'y' to enter uefi boot with drive encryption or something - do this and you will get into the bios. and do your bios update and set expo profile. the single stick would mostly be running at 4800mhz.

3) 'n' to enter shell mode - you could do the bios update here as well if you have the usb stick with the bios files.

the post screen might be a bit different for different mobos. If the post options are not the same, can you take a pic and post it here?
I will start attempting some suggestions later tonight in about 10-12 hours, another update will come around that time.
(I am using cable extensions and the corsair iCue rgb accent lights if it matters)
Might want to try and power the system with the bare minimum, breadboarded without any fancy splitters or extensions.

Might want to also inspect the CPU's socket for any bent or broken pins.

Which two slots are the rams populating on the motherboard? Might want to relieve the mounting pressure by the AIO on the CPU's socket, see if that helps bring life to the system.
Thr company inspected for bent pins before sending and I double checked before placing the CPU in, but I'm going to attempt to post from integrated graphics as well, but I will save the CPU/Socket inspection for last as I'm worried about removing it and would like to troubleshoot other problems prior.
I'm using cable extensions for my GPU CPU and MB, your saying try without those? Or the RGB accents plugged in via SATA? Even though power is going to them? Or is the RGB and Fans(case fans are working after a 3rd boot) not enough?
Having said that, Ive looked at some other forums and it says it does support the CPU but will need a BIOS update but am unsure which one.
I also read these were compatible and didn't show any compatibility issues in PcPartpicker, but I may have been misinformed, I hope not.. if it needs a bios update , is that done with BIOS flashback? Do I need to install anything on a USB? OR do I just hit the BIOS flashback button, because I did hit the button but nothing else.
Hi, i did my AM5 build last week and i get what you are saying.

Just to confirm:

Have a single stick of ram in the A2 slot and try booting up. It will go to the post screen and will give you 3 options:

1) press 'Del' or some button to enter setup - I did that and i was stuck in that page for 30 mins. nothing happening.

2) 'y' to enter uefi boot with drive encryption or something - do this and you will get into the bios. and do your bios update and set expo profile. the single stick would mostly be running at 4800mhz.

3) 'n' to enter shell mode - you could do the bios update here as well if you have the usb stick with the bios files.

the post screen might be a bit different for different mobos. If the post options are not the same, can you take a pic and post it here?
I will attempt to use one stick of ram to determine if it's a faulty stick of RAM, but this is my first post on attempts on the PC so expo settings shouldn't be changed? Unsure but I will attempt to post with one stick of RAM and follow up with your instructions, but am unclear if this is is the issue, also I was told to occupy "B2" first in the motherboard manual, I believe it's A2+B2(don't have manual on me atm) but it was the 2nd slot and 4th slot the ram was placed in, but I am getting no post at all so any of these instructions I have not tried.
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having 1 stick for post is not to check for faulty ram sticks. If the ram is not supported as a dual channel kit or expo settings is not enabled, it wont post with 2 sticks installed. You will have a DRAM led blinking in post error debug lights.

And you wont be changing the expo settings. it will be 'off' by default and the default speed will be 4800mhz. Just enable expo settings and choose the stored expo profile in the ram and you are good to go.

its typically A2 - the second slot for posting with a single stick of ram. this will be mentioned in your mobo manual.
having 1 stick for post is not to check for faulty ram sticks. If the ram is not supported as a dual channel kit or expo settings is not enabled, it wont post with 2 sticks installed. You will have a DRAM led blinking in post error debug lights.

And you wont be changing the expo settings. it will be 'off' by default and the default speed will be 4800mhz. Just enable expo settings and choose the stored expo profile in the ram and you are good to go.

its typically A2 - the second slot for posting with a single stick of ram. this will be mentioned in your mobo manual.
Ok understood, I will check that as well, but just a piece of info unsure if it changes anything:

CPU and DRAM are both solid red , no blinking, this maybe just because of the MB type , unsure.
Yup, its the Bios flashback feature that is explained in page 55/56 of the mobo manual.
Ok, so the retailer I got my motherboard from claims they did a BIOS update as well as a pincheck on the mobo prior to sending, is this difference from a BIOS flashback? But I will check the manual in a couple hours and attempt to do another one, maybe it needs another or was done incorrectly .

One thing to note is the manual that I got with the NZXT B650e MOBO was one large sheet of paper , but I will look for instructions on the BIOS flashback
Which BIOS version have you updated it to? Did you follow all the instructions on the motherboards support page/user manual? Did your USB stop blinking when you flashed it?
I updated it to the latest one, but am currently seeing that it wasn't done properly, The USB port never flashed , just the green Mobo light beside it , was blinking but turned solid green which means an error? Currently trying again but didn't see a blinking USB light at all.
Some USB's dont have a light so it will be the one on the motherboard. Did you format the USB to FAT32 and did you follow this instruction? ''. Extract the BIOS file from the zip file to a secure location and rename the BIOS file "creative.rom"?
Yes , I re did it for the second install, and formated it to FAT32, the second time around , I took the bios file which was labeled as a .rom file, renamed it to creative.rom , I'm not sure what you mean by secure location but it was on my at home laptop .

On the 2nd run I didn't receive a green solid light, it disappeared so I disconnected and attempted post again, it's been about 5 minutes and no post or change in CPU or DRAM light.
On the 2nd run I didn't receive a green solid light, it disappeared so I disconnected and attempted post again, it's been about 5 minutes and no post or change in CPU or DRAM lilight.

Did you wait for some time? My Gigabyte aorus board had clear instructions like the bios flashback light will be blinking if it's processing. The update process will take 5 mins. Could you start it again and let it update?

The process is same for both z690 and b650e.

Did you wait for some time? My Gigabyte aorus board had clear instructions like the bios flashback light will be blinking if it's processing. The update process will take 5 mins. Could you start it again and let it update?

The process is same for both z690 and b650e.

Yes I followed this video exactly actually, I followed the instructions and updated it properly as far as I know, waited for the MB light to stop blinking and dissappear ( was about 5+ minutes) than I removed the USB and attempted to boot. I can attempt it again now I've cleared CMOS.