[SOLVED] Brand New PC Build

Apr 1, 2020

I just started my very first PC build over the last few days and things seemed to be going okay. When I turned the PC on, all the fans started, the front panel worked, and my graphics card lights turned on as well. When I got to the BIOs page, I noticed my CPU temperature rising quickly. It started around 40C and climbed up to 88C within 5 minutes of being idle. This scared me, as I did not want to overheat my CPU, so I turned it off quickly. I then restarted it a few minutes later to see if I had the same issue, I did. I looked online to see what could be causing this issue. I tried reapplying the thermal paste twice, no luck.

I then begun to think maybe it was my liquid cooler that was sitting atop of my CPU that was causing the issue. However, the fans that are connected to the liquid cooler were working and even the LEDs. When I went to check the pump, I could not hear a sound. I even found online that it should vibrate a bit as well, however I could not feel a thing.

I wanted to see if anyone could possible help me with this issue I am having. I am thinking of buying a new liquidcooler and replacing the one I have now to see if that is what is causing the issue, but again I am brand new to this and am learning on the way.

If I have yet to install windows, is there an easy way to find this information or what information are you looking for? Sorry, brand new to all of this.

Thanks for the quick response though!
Be sure not to overtighten the mounting screws, for the pump. That said, it does sound like the pump might not be functioning. I was kinda hoping you had a Ryzen rig, so you could at least use the stock cooler, for awhile, to get up an running. Did you buy those parts used, by chance? I only ask, as they are quite old, at this point, with regards to the CPU platform you chose.
Yeah I read online that it should be secure, so maybe it is too tight. I bought all my parts new and the reason I got this series is because I wanted to build my own, but this pre built template had good rating and a bunch upvotes.

I am going to try and loosen the screws and see if that helps. If that does not work, I am going to return the cooler. Do you have any recommendations?