Broken Monitor


I garbage picked a gateway 19' wide screen LCD Display model #fpd1975w. When I plug in the monitor I do not get a picture but every few seconds the blue power light pops on and the monitor makes a squeak noise and the display lights up and displays Bars of Red green and blue horizontally across the screen like one bar of each which leads me to beleive its calibrating or something but then it shuts right back off. When I plug my pc into my normal monitor it works but the res is dropped down to 1440x900 which is what the monitor i garbage picked max res is. So the pc is picking up the monitor but the monitor doesnt work. I am positive the Panal part of the monitor works no cracks when it does display the bars of color it looks fine. So I am guessing that means that something is wrong with the electric circuit board in the back? The buttons on the side dont affect anything. I jus want to figure out if it is worth paying someone to fix it...Also does anyone know any nation wide chain that fixes stuff like this? I heard the geek squad fixes TVs they prolly fix monitors too. Thanks let me know if you need to know anything else.


Update: If I leave the monitor unplugged for a while and then plug it in without connecting it to a pc it makes a hissing noise and displays a bunch of weird images the first one being the red blue green and white bars horizontally across the screen with the left side being darker light then the right and then it goes to a gray screen where random lines appear usually it stops making the noise and stops producing any video but now the last few times i have done it it has stayed on the gray screen and continued to hiss....What do you think is going bad? the backlight seems fine and the panal seems like its alll good...Idk too much about monitors so any help would be appreciated here is some pics of what it looks like look thru the album
I have a feeling its a defective screen. It would not be worth getting the parts to fix it.

The hissing may well be the power system. if its that loud, it may also be toast as well.

I bet it was tossed for a reason.


Jun 14, 2008
I work on Electronic things all the time... the hissing noise, would be a high voltage issue... meaning a power supply problem... i would open the monitor, if you have knowlege on high voltage equipment.... (I mean Dont touch anything when its pluged in... ) because it will hurt... once its open, plug it in, and listen where the noise is coming from , its probley a coil pack, or a diod pack. it may have gone bad. or look for things that are burnt or look odd... and then u have to find out what the part is, then try to order a new one. if all go's ok.... just with luck, it may work correctly...

just some ideas... good luck...


yea thanks man I was thinkin it was something with the power cuz it appears the screen and backlight worked fine. The noise is definatly coming from the back where the power supply is so I for a fact its that also cuz it has issues turning on sometimes. I will give it a go and let ya know how it ends up. I most likely will take it in to some electronics store because I know nothing about that stuff.