Who's moderating this site? Was my comment pulled? This is a great site... I've learned so much by following here. Also, computer gaming is (IMO) easily the best without competition. But this HTPC build is an absolutely ridiculous idea unless you're a fan of some pc exclusive series or you need windows apps (on your TV??) for work or something.
You have a build here with a dual core cpu and an amd 7770 (10 GCN units correct?) that is $500 before the OS (was shipping included in that price?) . Why on earth would anyone build this with next gen consoles coming out before the end of the year... you'll have 18 GCN units with 1.8 tflops (20 GCN with 2 off?) on the ps4 which will be optimized to bits and pieces and even 12 GCN units with the xbox 720... ull be able to DO EVERYTHING you would have wanted to with ur HTPC EXCEPT get Steam Deals... or download illegally (you know who you are)... this makes no sense, and anyone who says it does is a "PC fanboy" in the worse sense possible... i didn't even know PC fanboys could be bad...
You have a build here with a dual core cpu and an amd 7770 (10 GCN units correct?) that is $500 before the OS (was shipping included in that price?) . Why on earth would anyone build this with next gen consoles coming out before the end of the year... you'll have 18 GCN units with 1.8 tflops (20 GCN with 2 off?) on the ps4 which will be optimized to bits and pieces and even 12 GCN units with the xbox 720... ull be able to DO EVERYTHING you would have wanted to with ur HTPC EXCEPT get Steam Deals... or download illegally (you know who you are)... this makes no sense, and anyone who says it does is a "PC fanboy" in the worse sense possible... i didn't even know PC fanboys could be bad...