Building a new computer [Budget: 1300]


Jan 1, 2010
Sorry if this is in the wrong section, I couldn't find a "build help section" on the forums.

I haven't upgraded or purchased a computer since late 2003, so I decided now's a good time to buy a new one.

I wanted to build this one myself but was wondering if the parts I've selected are alright and compatible.

EVGA GeForce GTX 260
OCZ Gold 3x2GB 240-Pin DDR3
Intel Core i7-920 Bloomfield 2.66GHz
Antec 1200 Full Tower
Antec 850W PSU

I'm probably going to use on-board sound for a while until I get decent headphones.

If you have any other ~1300 PC setups you'd recommend, feel free. My only bias is towards Intel cpus and Nvidia graphic cards.
You'll probably get more responses here: There's a sticky about asking for build advice.

Based on what you've got here, though, I'd say that this system looks alright.
What do you need the Antec 1200 and the 850w PSU for, though? Unless you're planning on using five or six hard drives, you're not going to need a full tower. A mid-tower case like the Antec 900 or the Cooler Master HAF 922 will be fine. And the power supply need be no larger than 650w for that system.

Personally, I would also go with one of the new ATI graphics cards right now, but there's nothing wrong with brand loyalty sometimes.

You might also want to look into the i7 860 processor and P55--unless you need the extra PCI-E lanes and possible hexacore processor upgrades that come with X58, it's a better value and a bit faster in games.

Very nice setup although for gaming and video editing, i recommend you could save some money on ram and the tower and put that save money to a better gpu.

For the antec 1200 unless your going to have 6+ hdds, i would recommend getting a antec 900 for 89.99. that currently $70 cheaper then the 1200.

for the ram, i would recommend getting OCZ Gold 6GB (3 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 for 149.99 (with a $20 mail in rebate is will be 129.99) over the 2000mhz. This will save you $50

i recommend this 1600 mhz ram over 2000mhz for a few reasons.

1. core i7 920 wouldn't even use 2000MHz. at best you'll be using is 1600MHz (that is with high overclocking). Although if your not overclocking then at most you'll will be using is 1066MHz. The core i7 920 will underclock the ram to 1066Mhz.

2. 1333mhz is the cheapest ddr3. (although if do the mail in rebate this ram is cheaper.)

3. even if you did over clocked, you wouldn't notice the difference between 1600MHz and 2000mhz (well you wouldn't notice a difference between 1333 mhz and 1600mhz ram) even years from now

4. the ram you chose has a high cas (10) latency which means that the ram performance equals to slower and lower cas latency ram. The lower the cas latency the better. cas 9 is average while cas 6 is the best (thats currently sold on newegg) ddr3 ram. (the one i selected for you is a cas 8)

In total saving just from those 2 items, you saved $120.

For gpus. basing off the gpu price you listed. for $120 + $224.99 = $344.99. With this you can get an

EVGA GTX 275 1.8GB for 304.99

or if you can strech the budget by $5 more and dont mind BFG

you can get nvidia best single gpu (atm) BFG GTX 285 1 GB for 349.99 (highly recommend)

If you switch the tower, ram, and stretch the budget $5 more to get BFG gtx 285, you'll have one great gaming system.

Hope this helps.
Go to a custom gaming computer website to see what you need. Then, go to a retail electronics store online like bestbuy or circuitcity to get the needed compnents for LESS!

hmmmm i dont think you looked around at prices recently. 😗 Most of the hardware other stores has, newegg has and then some. newegg is also slightly cheaper than most places. (except for microcenter for there major deals on some cpus. Core i7 920 $200)

Also i wont recommend circuit city as (at least here in the US) they went bankrupted. The one currently operating the US web site now is own by the company the owns tiger direct.
EVGA GeForce GTX 260 - Good choice ....the 850 will easily allow you to add 2nd one later on.

OCZ Gold 3x2GB 240-Pin DDR3 - Unless you doing LN and 5+ GHz, I'd opt for DDR 1600 w/ lower CAS timings. If not OC'ing then I'd drop even further to 1333.
CAS 7 -
CAS 6 -

GIGABYTE X58 - Might wanna furture proof a bit w. USB 3 and 6 GB/s SATA

Intel Core i7-920 Bloomfield 2.66GHz - Solid Choice

Antec 1200 Full Tower / Antec 850W PSU - unbeatable combo.....

Add a prolimatech megahalems2 fans and some TIM and you can OC that ah heck easily up to 3.7 for everyday use or 4.0 + Ghz for gaming and safe temps.

GTX260 is overpriced at $220. A 48701GB performs the same and costs ~$150
For $220, you can get a 4890 which performs equal to a GTX275.

I know you said you're biased towards Nvidia, but at the moment it's an ATI market - ATI cards are currently cheaper and perform just as good if not better than Nvidia's cards. Swallow that bias and get an ATI if you want the best of the best or bang-for-your-buck.

If you really want to only get an Nvidia GPU, try to find a GTX260 for ~$170 or so. If you can't, you're better off waiting till March when Nvidia Fermi is released. Or you can buy an ATI card now, then buy an Nvidia card when Fermi is released.

A GTX275 is ridiculously overpriced at $305. It can't use anywhere close to 1.8GB of RAM, and you can find versions that perform just as good for ~$200. Same goes for a 285 at $350. For that much money, he might as well get a 5850 because it costs only $300 and performs much better.

Even with Nvidia bias, there is no justification for a GTX275 costing $305 when an ATI 4890 card performs just as good for more than $100 less.
Same goes for a GTX285 when the 5850 exists