Question Building a PC, need help with picking a GPU


Jul 21, 2016
Hello guys, like the title says, I'm building a new PC. I would say it will be used as a mid-tier gaming PC:
  1. CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 7600
    • Price: 25,000 RSD / €213.68
  2. GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Ti 16GB
    • Price: 61,000 RSD / €520.51
  3. Motherboard: ASRock B650M-HDV/m.2
    • Price: 13,500 RSD / €115.38
  4. RAM: Kingston Fury Beast KF560C40BB DDR5 (2x16GB)
    • Price: 12,500 RSD / €106.84
  5. SSD: Kingston KC3000 1TB
    • Price: 11,900 RSD / €101.71
  6. PSU: MSI MPG A750GF
    • Price: 13,500 RSD / €115.38
  7. Case: LC Power Gaming 802W-ON
    • Price: 7,000 RSD / €59.83
  • Total Price: 144,400 RSD / €1,234.33
I'm pretty much set on the other components. The only one I'm unsure about is the GPU. Is the RTX 4060 Ti a good choice, or is there a better option within my budget?
I'm already over the budget as it is (1200e), so i wouldn't give more money for another GPU.
If you by any chance have a suggestion on any other component, I'm glad to listen :)

Thank you!
Sadly the 4060ti is the worst price/peformance card Nvidia has released in quite some time. The 7700xt, and 7800xt can be found for less than that 4060ti as well.


This is significantly cheaper, while being faster.

PCPartPicker Part List

Video Card: XFX Speedster SWFT 319 Radeon RX 6800 16 GB Video Card (€397.99 @ Mindfactory)
Total: €397.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2024-10-25 14:20 CEST+0200
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One guideline is to budget 2x the cost of your cpu for the graphics card.
You are good there.
What kinds of games do you play?
At what resolution?
Fast action games and higher resolutions need stronger graphics cards.
Here is tom's gpu hierarchy chart with some performance comparisons:,4388.html

Worth is something only YOU can determine.
In my experience, when faced with choice between low cost/lesser and higher cost, better parts, the joy of savings in the cost of the lesser product is transitory while the second guessing from picking the lesser product lasts much longer.