
May 29, 2006
Excuse me please if this is the wrong place to post.

I have my games, like halflife2 and World of Warcraft that contain many cd's. On average, because of various reasons like viruses and such, I format on a regular basis. Like once every 3 weeks.

My question is this:

Say I have 4-5 cd's, a full game. They require one after another to install completely. Is there a way that I can put them all onto one DVD? Taking into account recognition of the same dvd as a numbered CD and space etc etc, anyone have any ideas or knowledge?

Thanks in advance!
First off, every 3 weeks is crazy. I wish I had that much time on my hands. I would focus my time on protecting my PC first. Use Avast for an antivirus. Also, have you tried Firefox for a web browser? You should give it a shot.

As far as re-installing goes, do a fresh install of windows and all your typical apps. Then ghost it. Just restore the image instead of re-installing every time.

If your getting viruses every 3 week's, your doing something wrong.