Busted motherboard. Replacing!

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Aug 28, 2013
Ok so I built a PC back in 2013.

It has a Crosshair V Formula-Z motherboard.
And an AMD FX8350 CPU.

They've served me well up to this point, as it's a gaming machine.
For all other purposes I have a Mac Pro.

But, recent power surges have ruined my motherboard, the USB 3.0 ports no longer work.

So I'm taking this opportunity to not just replace it, but move up to an Intel kit.

I'm almost set on what CPU and mobo I'm getting, but I want to get more opinions to make sure I'm going the best route.

Looking at how much better they are, and the prices, the kit I'm looking at now is:


Core i7 5930K

Now, this kit is a 2011-v3 socket kit.

Should I go 1151 instead?
Any other suggestions?

Thanks in advance!


Aug 28, 2013
Awesome machine.

But I mean I'm just replacing a motherboard, LOL
It just so happens that I'm taking the opportunity to go up to an Intel one so I also have to replace the CPU...
I'm probably getting the h100 though.

You'll need the ram aswell. Quad channel for 2011, don't forget :)


Aug 28, 2013

Wait a minunte. What now? I can't keep my Vengeance Pros?
They're 2 x 8GB 2400MHz...
I mean, I did think about going up to DDR4 but not right this instant...


All new stuff is DDR4. You can run DDR3 on some 100 series MBs, but it's not recommended.
X99 is DDR4 strictly.
But ram is dirt cheap these days so..
Anyway, why did you buy 2400Mhz DDR3? You do know that faster RAM only helps with integrated graphics, right?


Aug 28, 2013

No, I didn't.

Well that's a relief. That means things will be cheaper.
So I should get 4x4GB 2133 then right.
Yeah OK I see it in your part list

Yeah, you can get 2400 as there is a small difference from 2133 to 2400(~1%) and the prices are almost identical(i'll modify the build), but, from 2400 upwards, it doesn't scale the gains are negligible. Both platforms and software these days(and since like sandy or ivy) are just not limited by memory bandwith. That is, ofcourse, if you're not using the ram as video memory as is the case with iGPUs.

That'a a complete waste of $200. Between the 5820k and the 5930k there is only a 100Mhz frequancy difference, whitch would be meaningless even if not overclocking. If overclocking, you can expect the 5820k to have a better chance of doing better, because it's less complex.
The true difference between teh two is that 5820 has 28 PCIE lanes and teh 5390 has 40(hence the less complexity of the 5820 witch can result in a better overclock).
So, basically, a 5930 is only useful if you intend to use 3 or 4 graphics cards in SLI/CF. For singel and dual card configs, they are the same.
Your 200 is better spent elsewhere.


Aug 28, 2013

Gotcha!!! Thank you so much dude. Hmmm I do have a question. We're going from 16gb to 32gb RAM. How big of a difference is that, are there any games that would actually make use of the extra 16gb? Or are we doing that just because of the quad channel deal and because it's cheapo?

No benefit whatsoever for the foreseeable future in games. But i would go that route to ensure taht i can max out the motherboard in the future without throwing away any ram. You have 8 slots, adn must use 4. using 4gig sticks on 4 slots seems a bit like a waste, doesn't it?
That beind said, i have 16 gig and i do max them out sometimes in windows. Granted, i could close a few things and not do it, but if i have them, why not?
And tehre a some things that can be done with high amounts of ram such ar ram disks and whatnot. So i say, so long as it's so cheap, why not?


Aug 28, 2013
Yeah makes total sense. Thank you so much!

Now let's hope the prices drop... I read about how broadwell is coming out during Computex which is in the first week of June so I might be out of luck there... we'll see!


Aug 28, 2013
Ok so I have a hiccup with this.

I'm trying to make the purchase on Newegg, to get things delivered to my hotel before I get there. I want to make sure they will be there when I arrive since I will only be at this hotel for 3 days, in Tampa, FL.
During the rest of the trip I will stay at a vacation home in Orlando, and the US postal service, FedEx and UPS, don't deliver to such places for some reason. Unless I'm home when they get there, which is very unlikely.

But newegg sucks, because they don't allow you to use a billing address that's different from the shipping address. So I can't ship stuff to Tampa and use my Brazilian credit card.
So what I'm thinking is, I'll just get a newegg gift card in the amount of the purchase and then I can pay for everything using the gift card value.
But I've never done this, so I want to make sure it's gonna work. Any of you guys know about this?

i don't live in the US so i have no idea whatsoever, but you should make a different thread.