Buying a new keyboard - backlight - RGB is preferred.


Dec 26, 2015
I'd like to buy a new keyboard since my current one is one that I got for 5€ in a store nearby. I was looking for some options and haven't found any answers that would tell me which keyboard is the "best" (for 10% gaming (CS, GTA V, some other FPSs and Minecraft + EDIT: Rocket league :)), 70% programming and 20% schoolwork?). So I created a list of keyboards that came on top of the list by the time of research. Also I'd love to have some fancy RGB lightning on it just because it looks cool :D.

My budget? Depends on if the keyboard is really worth it. Can go up to 200€.

The list:

All of the keyboards are VERY expensive, so I'm open for new ideas :) I've also found the DasKeyboard's keyboards very good, but they don't have the RGB lightning or any backlightning, tho I know they are very good because my brother owns one.

Also, which switches would be the best for the requirements? Cherry Reds, Browns, Blues? Any other switches? Which would perform the best in my case?

It's called your local electronics store. Go to best buy or the like and test the keyboards. If you just want to compare cherry stuff, ANY keyboard with the right switch will have the same travel and click style (though not the same key shape or distance between keys)
Think of it this way, cherry switches cost ~75 cents per key (if you were to buy them yourself, and that's for switch only without lighting), and there's 103~109 keys on a full sized keyboard. You can imagine why that corsair keyboard is expensive.

Any of those are good, though I prefer the logitec software over the others. Build wise the corsair might be the the best though.

As for switch type, hard to tell if you've never used them before. If programming is main, maybe something with lower actuation force is better.


Dec 26, 2015
Well TBH, since I told in the post that my brother has DasKeyboard, I can tell you that I don't really like the blue switches. About the Logitech's software. I have experience with it since I have Proteus Core mouse and I must tell that I love it, but since the all negative reviews are present it's a bad choice I guess. So the only problem would be the keys now (the keyboard I have focus on ATM is K70).
The K70 is a great keyboard (and the new software is much better than it used to be).
You can also consider the Strafe RGB, essentially similar.
As for keys, take a look over at browns, but the main issue is nobody can tell you what you will like. They do sell test kits with one of each key.


Dec 26, 2015
I know that we have a lot of testers, but do you know any cheap one? :) I don't want to really spend a lot of Money on something that I will use just to test the switches :p

It's called your local electronics store. Go to best buy or the like and test the keyboards. If you just want to compare cherry stuff, ANY keyboard with the right switch will have the same travel and click style (though not the same key shape or distance between keys)


Dec 26, 2015
Well this "weekend" took longer then expected, but now I finally managed to visit one of our local computer shops and tested the following:

  • ■Logitech Orion Spark G910: First i'll tell the only good thing i found on the keyboard - design. The keycaps seem to be like a very bad "innovation" from Logitech. I often got stuck on them and they just feel very bad on fingers. Also the wrist rest is bad. The switches themselves feel like pressing on a butter and have far to short travel distance IMO.
    ■Razer BlackWidow Chroma: The keyboard looks small, even tho it's not :). I love the keycaps and the look of it, but switches seem a bit "bumpy". They seem to get stuck a little bit and are a bit hard to press (even tho they are much better then my current ones :p).
    ■Das Keyboard PRO (blue switches): This is my brother's keyboard. The keycaps feel good as well as the switches, tho they seem to have a really long travel time.

I'll try to find a store that will have all the cherry switches (or at least some of them) to test them out to compare. Also, does anyone have any new suggestions, now that I have tested some of them?

Thank you for answers!