OK, so I've bought and sold phones and laptops on Craigslist and there's a few basic steps. Arrange to meet at a public place, boot up your wares and prove that they work.
GPUs are a little different in that they need a tower and monitor for testing. In perusing Craigslist, I've noticed sellers offering to let the buyer test the GPU before purchase. I can't think of a McDonald's that'll let me haul in a tower and monitor and hook it up to fast food power.
I'm a cautious (and messy) sort who's not to keen on going into someone else's house, or letting a stranger into mine. How do these deals usually go down?
GPUs are a little different in that they need a tower and monitor for testing. In perusing Craigslist, I've noticed sellers offering to let the buyer test the GPU before purchase. I can't think of a McDonald's that'll let me haul in a tower and monitor and hook it up to fast food power.
I'm a cautious (and messy) sort who's not to keen on going into someone else's house, or letting a stranger into mine. How do these deals usually go down?