[SOLVED] Buzzing coming from PC case, not fans?

Mar 13, 2020
I'm not sure why, but recently my 1 year old custom PC started buzzing. It just happens randomly, and it's been around 3-4 times in the past 2 weeks. The first time it happened, I unplugged my case fans and turned on the PC and it still happened. I can say that my case has very good cable management so the cables aren't hitting the fans or anything.

If I nudge my PC case slightly, it'll go away completely. I really can't isolate the issue. Is this concerning? I haven't noticed any performance hits or anything. Or could it just be vibration?
Cool program. Never used it before. I got "Good" for the drive's health status.

A buzzing can be the PSU, GPU coil whine, HDD, A fan. Open your side panel and try to pinpoint what is making the sound. Put your ear close to the PSU. If this is the PSU it will be louder close to the PSU. It's not that hard to figure out what is making the buzzing. You just need to get close to each part while the buzzing is happening.
Cool program. Never used it before. I got "Good" for the drive's health status.

A buzzing can be the PSU, GPU coil whine, HDD, A fan. Open your side panel and try to pinpoint what is making the sound. Put your ear close to the PSU. If this is the PSU it will be louder close to the PSU. It's not that hard to figure out what is making the buzzing. You just need to get close to each part while the buzzing is happening.
A buzzing can be the PSU, GPU coil whine, HDD, A fan. Open your side panel and try to pinpoint what is making the sound. Put your ear close to the PSU. If this is the PSU it will be louder close to the PSU. It's not that hard to figure out what is making the buzzing. You just need to get close to each part while the buzzing is happening.
Yeah it's not my PSU since I did that when I initially heard it. I will say, I actually heard the sound slightly again, so I turned off my GPU fans. Apparently, that made it go away, although it was might quieter. I only set a fan curve for the fans recently, but they were usually on 0 RPM until it hit around 60 degrees. Now I have them on all the time, albeit at low power. It might be them