C&C Zero Hour solo play help needed



Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.strategic (More info?)

Can anyone give me tips on how to actually complete the solo play
scenario as the USA called operation snow fall? You get a small force
of drones, pathfinders and colonel burton.

Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.strategic (More info?)

On 24 Mar 2005 15:56:34 -0800, cspierin@amfam.com wrote:

>Can anyone give me tips on how to actually complete the solo play
>scenario as the USA called operation snow fall? You get a small force
>of drones, pathfinders and colonel burton.

Not too difficult - Colonel Burton is tough enough to take out tanks and
recover to full health. Basically, you have the required materials "just
in time".

IIRC, I used Colonel burton to take out a tunnel network at the prison camp
and pull back for healing. Pathfinders could neutralize Stinger Sites's
attack, whils it gets destroyed by a heavier unit. After that, the base
could be captured without problem.

In the next section, Rangers were able to clean out the buildings, while
burton (and Missile Defenders) could take out vehicles. After that, I
can't remember what I did, since the mission was straight forward from

(If this isn't the mission you are on, then you should elaborate by giving
a better description - it's difficult to remember mission content just by
name and starting equipment.)
Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.strategic (More info?)


Thanks for the reply. That is the correct mission in terms of the one
I'm talking about. I'll see if I can figure it out and post again if
things still don't work out.

The problem that I seem to run into is that Burton is detected somehow.
As soon as the scenario starts I send the drones after the nearest
radar van. Then send Burton and a couple of pathfinders after tunnel
and free the guys from the camp. When I make a move on the next target
the camp it has another radar van which detects burton and I'm in
trouble again. My thought is to string things out and see if I can
blow the oil well with Burton and then wear the defender down by
keeping regular troops, rangers and missle guys in the houses while
they get attacked. The pathfinders can help by sniping the odd GLA too
but that seems like its going to take too long.



Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.strategic (More info?)

On 25 Mar 2005 15:20:01 -0800, "C. Spierings" <cspierings@teamsoftinc.com>

>Thanks for the reply. That is the correct mission in terms of the one
>I'm talking about. I'll see if I can figure it out and post again if
>things still don't work out.
>The problem that I seem to run into is that Burton is detected somehow.
> As soon as the scenario starts I send the drones after the nearest
>radar van. Then send Burton and a couple of pathfinders after tunnel
>and free the guys from the camp. When I make a move on the next target
>the camp it has another radar van which detects burton and I'm in
>trouble again. My thought is to string things out and see if I can
>blow the oil well with Burton and then wear the defender down by
>keeping regular troops, rangers and missle guys in the houses while
>they get attacked. The pathfinders can help by sniping the odd GLA too
>but that seems like its going to take too long.

IIRC, you can just run past the second camp without too much problem -
destroying the oil derricks isn't too much of a problem. The trick
involves opening a corridor wide enough so that you can spear your forces
through, even if it involves sacrificing most of your units.

BTW, Burton can climb mountains - I don't know if you can attack the enemy
from those mountains, but it's worth taking a look at.