Question Cabled internet slower than wifi (max 12 mb/s)


Deleted member 2774448

I have been having internet problems since we moved into the house and got a new wifi provider that should provide 750 mbps, but I seem to only be getting 12 mb/s max (sometimes 12.4 or 12.5 never more). Any ideas on how to fix this? motherboard; gigabyte x470 aorus ultra gaming. Pictures:
can u open powershell with admin right and run this command?
copy it all and paste it there, then press enter, then reply here what output it throws
Get-WmiObject -Namespace Root\StandardCimv2 -Class MSFT_NetAdapter | `
  Where-Object { $_.State -eq 2 -and $_.OperationalStatusDownMediaDisconnected -eq $false -and `
                 $_.NdisPhysicalMedium -eq 14 -and $_.Virtual -eq $false } | `
  Format-Table Name,Virtual,State,NdisPhysicalMedium, `
  @{Label='Connected'; Expression={-not $_.OperationalStatusDownMediaDisconnected}}, `
  @{Label='Speed(MB)'; Expression = {$_.Speed/1000000}}, `
can u open powershell with admin right and run this command?
copy it all and paste it there, then press enter, then reply here what output it throws
Get-WmiObject -Namespace Root\StandardCimv2 -Class MSFT_NetAdapter | `
  Where-Object { $_.State -eq 2 -and $_.OperationalStatusDownMediaDisconnected -eq $false -and `
                 $_.NdisPhysicalMedium -eq 14 -and $_.Virtual -eq $false } | `
  Format-Table Name,Virtual,State,NdisPhysicalMedium, `
  @{Label='Connected'; Expression={-not $_.OperationalStatusDownMediaDisconnected}}, `
  @{Label='Speed(MB)'; Expression = {$_.Speed/1000000}}, `

Hey, thanks for the reply, i’ll do it as soon as I’m back at my pc, what does it do if I can ask?
that will tell your physical connection speed
Name Virtual State NdisPhysicalMedium Connected Speed(MB) FullDuplex InterfaceDescription
---- ------- ----- ------------------ --------- --------- ---------- --------------------
Ethernet False 2 14 True 1000 True Intel(R) I211 Gigabit Network Connection

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32>