> what is a Cache Hard(or Solid) disk drive ?

There's no such thing as a "cache drive", at least not something you could go out and buy. There are drives with RAM caches, and you could put cache files onto a drive (the Internet Explorer cache, for example), but the drive itself is just a storage device.

"Cache" is a computer industry term that means "keep a handy copy of the data I just read on some fast storage device that lets me get it back much more quickly than I could if I had to re-read it from it's original source". The CPU (and disk drives themselves) cache disk data in RAM because RAM is faster than the disk. Software often caches data from remote locations (such as the Internet) on disk because disks...


May 11, 2009
It's a mistaken way of describing data, not able to all go in to the RAM at once, being temporarily stored on part of a hard drive partition until the RAM is freed up.
Do you know what turbo boost is when you plug in a flash drive on Vista? It's that.


Feb 21, 2010

ok, i dont think that would be necessity on a 24 GB RAM system.

and being temporarily stored on a HDD and the same being done on a SSD, surely must be hugely different !!
> what is a Cache Hard(or Solid) disk drive ?

There's no such thing as a "cache drive", at least not something you could go out and buy. There are drives with RAM caches, and you could put cache files onto a drive (the Internet Explorer cache, for example), but the drive itself is just a storage device.

"Cache" is a computer industry term that means "keep a handy copy of the data I just read on some fast storage device that lets me get it back much more quickly than I could if I had to re-read it from it's original source". The CPU (and disk drives themselves) cache disk data in RAM because RAM is faster than the disk. Software often caches data from remote locations (such as the Internet) on disk because disks are typically a lot faster than a remote connection.


Dec 25, 2010
That is simply a 50GB crucial m4 with some special software, don't fall for that trick. If you really want SSD caching (which I don't recommend, just go get a prop size SSD for your boot drive) use the stuff build into the intel Z68 chipset.