Regardless, your experience does not mean the same has happened to everyone else, kingnoobe. A lot of the gaming clans need dedicated servers as a way to 1) Recruit new members, 2) Play against other players, and 3) Ensure the rules are followed. Granted, some clans follow different sets of rules, but atypically, the popular servers have active admins, and do their best to use the various admin tools to prevent hackers from playing in the server.
The lack of dedicated server support, coupled with the matchmaking feature to play against other players appropriate to your skill level has a plus and some big minuses. Plus is, playing against other players matching your skill level makes it more of a fair fight. The negatives is that this is really a feature that works well with consoles, and not PC gaming because of issues of hacking. We don't know how this game will be affected in regards to hacking, and I hope it actually decreases the number of hackers playing, but IW may have forgotten a problem with the skill system. Some players reach the highest ranks by repetitively playing the game, trying to take advantage of a glitch or problem. Many players that are rank 55 in Modern Warfare now are actually useless teammates to have in multiplayer matches. Their matchmaking feature would have a better leg to stand on if it would also PENALIZE players for dying too many times, or some similar system (which would also be a pain to get right to be considered "fair" by everyone).