I live in India and here in my city humidity is bit high during the monsoon around 70-80%. In summer its lower around 50%.
Getting a dehumidifier is not possible as my living room is quite big and getting a dehumidifier will be a big investment which I will not be able to take on now.
So I got a new Zotac 1660super last winter for dirt cheap. They don't come with those plastic inserts in the ports.
So will the ports get rusted overtime? Anyway to prevent the rusting?
I have attached a picture of one of the hdmi port of my television that is in the same room for nearly 6yrs as a reference. They should be the same quality I guess.
Getting a dehumidifier is not possible as my living room is quite big and getting a dehumidifier will be a big investment which I will not be able to take on now.
So I got a new Zotac 1660super last winter for dirt cheap. They don't come with those plastic inserts in the ports.
So will the ports get rusted overtime? Anyway to prevent the rusting?
I have attached a picture of one of the hdmi port of my television that is in the same room for nearly 6yrs as a reference. They should be the same quality I guess.