[SOLVED] Can a video file really be tracked?


Deleted member 2621537

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That the video file has an ID which can be tracked and blah blah blah. I'm into PCs and software, I think it's just for the people that are not into it to not download it. But I'm just curious if I'm wrong. Is it possible anyhow?

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every file can be hashed. look into what this means. it will uniquely identify the file no matter where it is included in transit.

this means that yes a file can be identified in transit and "tracked" to its destination. the NSA does this continually for lots of illegal material. this is also how they identify what files are on your pc once they confiscate it. they don't even have to open anything, just hash it all and compare it to the database of file hashes to know exactly what the file is.

the biggest thing they point out to the FBI to prosecute is child porn. they have an extensive database of hashes and know every single common file traded around the world. when they see the files in transit as part of the prism project, they...
every file can be hashed. look into what this means. it will uniquely identify the file no matter where it is included in transit.

this means that yes a file can be identified in transit and "tracked" to its destination. the NSA does this continually for lots of illegal material. this is also how they identify what files are on your pc once they confiscate it. they don't even have to open anything, just hash it all and compare it to the database of file hashes to know exactly what the file is.

the biggest thing they point out to the FBI to prosecute is child porn. they have an extensive database of hashes and know every single common file traded around the world. when they see the files in transit as part of the prism project, they notify the FBI to do their thing. but i know they also look for and notify appropriate people for many other types of illegal materials.