Question can all fans on an Ender 3 printer share a common ground?

Why - what reason:

Are multiple fan wires a cosmetic issue or space issue? Do the wires get in the way of movement?

More information needed: make, model, connections, host pc, etc..

What do the specs and installation documentation indicate?

Consider that if there are multiple fans then all fans would become dependent on one wire or relevant connection.

I would stay with individual grounding wires so if there is some problem with one fan then the others would keep running.

However, providing more information and details may help resolve the matter one way or another.
I keep having to swap hotends, MK10>MicroSwiss...(various reasons: clogging, material, testings). It is an Ender3. I'm a newb. since initial setup I've added a few components: Inductive Sensor for BLs, Filament Runout sensor,this is no longer a Bowden setup but now a direct drive so the stepper is mounted with all the other I/Os of the effector, LED halo for the orifice. So, this is what I have now at my print head:

Thermostitor; x2 leads
Stepper(DD); x4 leads
Filament RO; x3
Inductive BL; x3
LED Halo; x2
4010 Fan; x2
5015 Blower;x2 (possibly another depending on final design)

Total: 20 Wires, maybe 22 depending

Id like to reduce the numbers for less complication in future obligation and endeavors. Any help; references, knowledge, ideas... I am a student of the universe.