I keep having to swap hotends, MK10>MicroSwiss...(various reasons: clogging, material, testings). It is an Ender3. I'm a newb. since initial setup I've added a few components: Inductive Sensor for BLs, Filament Runout sensor,this is no longer a Bowden setup but now a direct drive so the stepper is mounted with all the other I/Os of the effector, LED halo for the orifice. So, this is what I have now at my print head:
Thermostitor; x2 leads
Stepper(DD); x4 leads
Filament RO; x3
Inductive BL; x3
LED Halo; x2
4010 Fan; x2
5015 Blower;x2 (possibly another depending on final design)
Total: 20 Wires, maybe 22 depending
Id like to reduce the numbers for less complication in future obligation and endeavors. Any help; references, knowledge, ideas... I am a student of the universe.