Question Can excessive heat from the CPU damage other components?

Apr 1, 2019
Recently upgraded my GPU, and now my CPU is working at full capacity.
Currently when idle sits from 45-55 degrees --> 90-100 at 100% load (when playing games). My PC has never crashed but CPU throttles to avoid going over 100.
I've got some thermal paste on delivery as i have not changed it for a couple years, also looking into getting an aftermarket cooler.
--> later this year i'm going to upgrade my CPU/Motherboard so i'm not worried if the lifespan of them is shortened.

But could the performance of my CPU cause issues to other components, even when they are below 50 degrees at load?
The heat itself can cause soldering points to disintegrate on surrounding surfaces / components and/or plastic parts to bend (you don't want to have a mobo that bends, believe me). Also, overheating your CPU might result in unclean shutdowns / restarts, which in return could damage other components.