iogbrideau :
I totally agree with Lenovo thinkpads. I've used some, and they're the best laptops I've used. Except when I was in college where we could loan some brand new Lenovo laptops (R series) but they were from a bad batch and half of them had to have the motherboard replaced (but was on warranty). I usually see some very good quality with Levnovo.
Also, I see a lot of people complaining about having a lot of bugs, but it is not the experience I'm having with it.~~ They are both on SSD so the laptop starts and is ready to use in 2 seconds flat on 8, while the desktop takes about 20 seconds. It's also much more stable than win 7 was on my desktop.
About ThinkPad R-Series... those used to be the bottom end models. I bought my R-Series for $550 off the shelf back in 2007/8 and use it today... an old Core-2 tech. They were replaced by the SL (which became todays L series)... now Edge is pretty much bottom Back when I got my R-Series, this is what I was looking at. A Lenovo Consumer model for $650. It had 4GB RAM, vs the R's 1GB. It had a 250GB HD vs's the R's 60GB. It had a faster Core-2 CPU, easily. But Lenovo had Vista and I was looking at the headache of installing XP on it. Then I noticed in the business section... THINKPADS! So for $100 less, I got a better NON-GLOSSY screen (they suck!!), less memory and CPU and GPU power... and it was worth it. Today, it runs Windows 7 with 2GB RAM installed.
Check out Thinkpad support... and you'll see why they are STILL the best thing you can buy. Why? When you call them, you get an ENGLISH Native speaking human. Hold times are short... and on their website... you have EVERYTHING you need to rebuild/reload a Thinkpad! Yep, even a 2000 model... drivers out the ears. Technical manuals (So I was able to take apart and install the wifi-upgrade card), parts list - for every screw and up. Nobody... NOBODY else has that kind of support.
Its nice you had no bugs or major issues with Win8... plenty of other people DO... My Windows 7 is very stable. it wakes up in about 2 seconds too. My Win7 desktop rarely ever needs a reboot (a program / MS updates)