[SOLVED] Can get internet through browser but nothing else


Apr 3, 2015
So we've just upgraded the network in our office to a 1Gb up&down lease line, had some problems and we've now gone back to the old connection for the time being. For some reason on one of our machines we can only access the internet through chrome, any separate application that uses internet (emails, spotify, discord etc) just wont connect.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. We had no problems yesterday and now all of a sudden things are breaking constantly, we also lost connection to one of our Nas's so no idea what is going on.

Running windows 10
10Gbe nic into a 10Gbe switch
What problems did you have?

Was the modem and/or router changed?

So the network does not work ( or stops working) when that "Chrome machine" connects or the Chrome machine is the only machine working?

How many network devices: computers, NAS, printers, switches, etc. are you working with?

ISP? Make and model for Modem and Router (Modem/Router if combined)?

The router's logs (if available and enabled) may provide some clue. Who has full admin rights to the router? You will need help from that person.

Overall, my thought is an IP address conflict for any number of reasons....

Sketch out a diagram of your network showing all devices and how they are connected.

Then by each device make note of the device's name, purpose, IP...
What problems did you have?

Was the modem and/or router changed?

So the network does not work ( or stops working) when that "Chrome machine" connects or the Chrome machine is the only machine working?

How many network devices: computers, NAS, printers, switches, etc. are you working with?

ISP? Make and model for Modem and Router (Modem/Router if combined)?

The router's logs (if available and enabled) may provide some clue. Who has full admin rights to the router? You will need help from that person.

Overall, my thought is an IP address conflict for any number of reasons....

Sketch out a diagram of your network showing all devices and how they are connected.

Then by each device make note of the device's name, purpose, IP address (static or DHCP), Subnet mask, and MAC.

No need to post all that.

Use the sketch to methodically work through the network, You may end up revising the sketch as you go.

The objective is for you to get a sense of overall network structure and look for things such as duplicated IP addresses, loops (loop backs), typos, etc..

Determine what is "there" versus what you expected to be "there".

What device or path matches the problem? For example - everything going through a particular switch.

Double check that all physical connections are correct: WAN port versus LAN port perhaps. Swap in known working Ethernet cables for non-connecting network devices.,

Run "ipconfig /all" on the various computers to take a look at how each computer is configured for network communications.,

"arp -a" can prove helpful.

As can "netstat" and "netsh"
We somehow now seemed to have fixed it, so yesterday we switched over to the new internet line, fresh modem into our main switch. Then we came into the office this morning and nobody could access our main nas. Assuming this was a problem with the new modem we switched back over to our old BT box and then [Mod edit - removed profanity.] just hit the fan and random things stopped working.

We've just reconnected the new line, turned everything off in the office and turned them back on in order of switches-servers-main workstations and everything somehow now works fine. No doubt something will end up going wrong when we come back into the office tomorrow...
Thanks for the response, will refer back to it when the next thing breaks!
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