Can I Get a 2 socket Xeon Mobo, add 1 cpu, add 2nd later (when $$)


Feb 19, 2010
the title thread says it all..

i want to get an 8 core xeon mobo and get one xeon 5500 (2.66) and then when i get the money, add the second xeon afterwards. and use the computer in the meantime of course.
so itll be a half 8 core :kaola:




Jul 12, 2009
Yes, you can do that, but the real question is: do you really need 8 cores?

Most applications will perform better with a faster DUAL-core than a slower QUAD-core.

Unless you're running Audio/Video applications at a production/professional level, or using a Virtualization Server, you don't really need 8 cores.

But, yes. You can put in only one 5500 and later put in another 5500.


Feb 19, 2010

do all xeon mobo do this or special ones?

as for applications, yes i do audio work, and itll be for something really specific.
sample streaming, slave machine/server just to host orchestral samples so i need to be able to load the most amount of ram. its all about the ram mostly. and low noise.
so its funny for some that i couldnt care less for video card or other things.
i have my main computer (macpro) and trigger and revieve everything via ethernet to different slaves.

so the cpu dual xeon is to be able to stream all that ram. and i think i need a dual xeons to be able to load and stream 24gb of samples in ram.
but to tell you the truth.. i dont know if ill need 2 xeon or with one 5500 will be enough.
(or i7 920 for that matter if its going to be quad/maybe overclocked)
thus my query is not only for money but performance as well.

there is also this new twin servers (to me at least) that have 2 pcs in one 1u rack unit.
now that would be awsome as i could go up to 48gb and have that unit instead of 3 slave mid tower pcs..
but again, they are dual xeon, and i cant affor that second xeon on each node.... or if i even need it.


Feb 19, 2010
I didn't want to turn people off due the specific of the application I'd be using it for.

I'm eyeing a microsysyem server whih have 2 dual xeon and I'd be great to. Be able to add another xeon later but the mobo is propiatery size (not atx)
which why I ask if with ANY xeon 55xx series I can add
the second CPU later.

and also just to make sure ...

An i7 920 is the same as a xeon 5500 the only difference is that I can run dual xeons but not dual i7, correct ?
The xeon 55xx series is therefor fir server or for 8 core stuff while the i7
is for staying in quadland for those apps that don't need 8 cores .
It's jisp of it at least , don't k ow the tech behind it.

Also does any xeon accept ddr2 and would u recommend it over xeon that only uses DDR 3 like the i7?