Or i5 4460 ? I can get them both for the same price. I want to play Overwatch on 144 hertz monitor. Or maybe Rainbow Six Siege but it's not that important , my main goal is Overwatch. If there's anyone with the same or similiar setup i'd really appreciate the help.
That is a streatch for that cpu. You will not be able to get 144 fps in many games, certainly not the ones above with a 2 generation old dual core. The 4th gen i5 is more powerfull and has 4 cores, but it still will struggle to get 144 aswell. What budget do you have for cpus and are you buying used? A ryzen 5 2600 for 160usd would do 144 at 1080p. If you do go with the 7100 you could put a 7700k in the motherboard down the road for more performance.
Depends on graphical settings. At 720 low with any gpu a 7100 wont reach 144. With a 2700x and 1050ti you could reach 144 at a low res. If you want full hd you would need at least a 2060 and 2600 to get 144hz high settings.
Why must you have 144?
Wht this exact FPS?
Isn't 100 fps good enough?
You won't get 144 with any setup you mention if you need 1080p
I play with 72 fps and I'm diamond ranked... so FPS isn't about how good you are![]()
Yes if you read what Freesync is, then it is an adaptive frequency to which the Monitor varies up to 144hz.
Your original question was not about buying a 144hz monitor, but would you get 144hz from the system you said. The answer is still no, most definitely you should get a nice 144hz monitor.
Yes if i decide to change all of my components in the future i will buy ryzen 5 2600 and 1070/1660ti . But for now i think i'll stick with a simple upgrade like i7-2600 or something. Thanks for the reply!Your hz is limited to the particular moniter. If you have a 60hz monitor you will only see60hz even if you get 144 fps. I would avoid a 8100 since its massively overpriced. Id go for a ryzen 5 2600 and 1660ti or 1070 for 144hz 1080p low.
Yes if i decide to change all of my components in the future i will buy ryzen 5 2600 and 1070/1660ti . But for now i think i'll stick with a simple upgrade like i7-2600 or something. Thanks for the reply!