Question Can I replace a Seagate PCB with identical Maxtor one ?


Nov 17, 2017
Hi everyone
I have a faulty seagate 320gb (ST3320613AS, pcb number 100504364 REV B) which is undetectable to bios, and has some needed data in it.
In search of doner pcb, I came across a maxtor 160gb with almost identical label (except the logo) and same pcb number.
So I'm wondering, can I use the maxtor pcb for my seagate? (with swap of bios chip of course). I did some research on my own, but couldn't become certain.
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Yes, those "Maxtor" HDDs are actually rebranded Seagate models.

STM3320613AS = ST3320613AS = 7200.11

That said, if the drive spins up, then it is most probably a firmware or heads/media issue rather than PCB.

You need to purchase a USB-TTL (~US$5) adapter and capture the diagnostic report from the drive's serial terminal port. There are lots of posts on this subject in various forums. If you want to try this, then let us know when you have the adapter.
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Yes, those "Maxtor" HDDs are actually rebranded Seagate models.

STM3320613AS = ST3320613AS = 7200.11

That said, if the drive spins up, then it is most probably a firmware or heads/media issue rather than PCB.

You need to purchase a USB-TTL (~US$5) adapter and capture the diagnostic report from the drive's serial terminal port. There are lots of posts on this subject in various forums. If you want to try this, then let us know when you have the adapter.

Thanks for the clarification on models.
It's problem is when it plugged, computer wont start. It just freezes on startup screen and never gets to boot. when it happened Ive searched here and couldn't find anything.
Ive had a similar problem with my old pc, the maxtor 80 Ide prevented computer from startup, I've found another bad-sectored exact model, changed the pcb and bam! So all I can think of as a normal user/geek is to change PCB. probably?
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It's not a PCB fault. The drive is probably executing internal error recovery processes. If it takes too long, or if it goes BSY, then the BIOS hangs up or times out.

The potential solution is to issue certain diagnostic commands to the drive via its terminal port. This then disables certain firmware features and allows the drive to come ready. You would then clone it with HDDSuperClone or ddrescue.
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It's not a PCB fault. The drive is probably executing internal error recovery processes. If it takes too long, or if it goes BSY, then the BIOS hangs up or times out.

The potential solution is to issue certain diagnostic commands to the drive via its terminal port. This then disables certain firmware features and allows the drive to come ready. You would then clone it with HDDSuperClone or ddrescue.

I'm not familiar with process you've said, but I'm willing to do it. does it need any special equipment?

All right, ive bought a prolific pl2303 USB ttl module
using putty and tutorials from the internet, I managed to get to the part when I suppose to get the paper out and use U command. I did it for few times, but it stuck everytime. when i send U command, hard drive makes noises (not clicking noises) like it is trying to do something, but stucks. Ive waited for about 15 minutes.
What messages do you get after power-on?

if you mean when connected to serial, nothing. i connect ttl to hdd, then ttl to pc and power up hdd ,then i open putty and connect to com4 (speed 34800) , ctrl+z , then /2, then Z, then , when i pull the paper from pins and use U command, it stucks, so no messages.
if you mean when hdd connected to system as normal, I dont get any messages. It freezes on bios wont start , sometimes it gets past bios, but wont recognized in bios.
I cant get past this step, U wont work:
Go to the Level T prompt.

F3 T>​

Type the following commands:


WARNING: The commands are Case Sensitive. (Lower case is not kewl.)

Then clone your drive with HDDSuperClone. Its author has provided a Live CD.

Don't be tempted to use a Windows cloning tool. Windows is unsuitable because it interferes with error recovery control.
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