Can Led tv get damaged from a surge or spark in the outlet?


Jan 25, 2013
Hi I have a sanyo 32 inch Led tv.I live in India and since the power cuts occur frequently here I have connected both my led tv and DTH HD set top box(STB) via a belkin 3 socket surge protector for extra safety.
A day back I had a problem with my set top box and the DTH technician who came from the company replaced the STB with another brand new one.But in doing so he removed my old STB power adapter from its socket directly from the surge protector while the tv which is also connected into another socket of the same surge protector was switched on and running.When the tech removed the stb adapter directly there was a very minute spark from its socket since he didn't turn off the stb from its remote.Although I was pretty frustrated with this and he did appologise for that I am worried whether that caused any damage to the tv since it was switched on.I didn't notice anything on the tv screen when the stb socket spark happened and also checked both the tv plug and surge protector socket and couldn't find any visible damage.But I am worried whether that split second spark of surge or arcing could have caused some invisible damage to my tv.
Any signs to check on??Hope I get some helpful replies.Thanks in advance.
any device can get damaged by surges, just for the record, but if it's working good, then you should be ok. i put my tv on a good Tripp-Lite IsoBar 8 port surge suppressor as well for all my consoles, switchs, modem and everything. My TV case has two of those, needed for everything, with spare ports available for expansion
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