Can my Laptop run SC2?


Apr 22, 2012
I recently got StarCraft 2 and according to the "canitrun" site, my laptop can comfortably run SCII. However I feel that when I play the game the frame rates drop from 60-1 fps every few seconds. Not even if I change the resolution or the graphics settings does it change.

My laptop is an HP pavilion DV7 4150si
The specs are as follows:
6GB 1333 RAM
1 TB Harddrive
i7 720qm (1.6ghz overclocked at 2.8ghz)
Windows 7 Basic

It also seems that the sound lags and will completely disintegrate in cut scenes and in-game. Anyone know the solution? Also, I have downloaded the latest catylyst control center, and when I play games I close all apps and put the display on windows aero, nothing helps.
Try to monitor your laptop's temp, you might be experiencing heat issue which causes the stutter. It's not good to play on laptop, however you can compensate by adding cooling pad to help minimize heat build up.
Yeah ... its not good to play on a lappy .. some parts of the game require a lot of processor power which the lappy cant provide .... so just put up with it .. or you can try D3dOverrider that comes with Rivatuner .. it could help your sttutering .