Question Can this case fit a 335 mm graphics card?


May 7, 2017
Looking at a 7700XT, but the problem is it's 335mm long, and I'm not sure it can fit in my case. Every graphics card I've ever bought I don't think has ever been this big. It's a pretty old case, but I will get a smaller GPU if I have to. I looked up the GPU clearance and a single website said it can support up to 14.96" long, and the GPU is 13.189 long.

I'm not sure I can trust this random website for information on the case. I can't find information on the case on corsair. I think they de-listed it.

Here is the case:

Here is the GPU:
Lists up to 380mm clearance.
Sounds like it'll fit just fine.

Lists length though. From looking at the card though it seems fat. Does that matter much? It looks like the fattest card I would have ever owned by now. How would the fans not be affected by the hard drive cage at the end?
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Here are a pair of builds with 3 slot, triple fan cards that also fit.

On the first one I see they have the hard drive cage removed, and it's kind of hard to tell on the second pictured if they do or do not have it removed.

I messaged corsair and they said "Triple slot cards may require the harddrive cage to be removed" but then I have no idea what to do with my hard drives.

I have no problem with removing the cage I just don't know what I'd do with my drives.

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