Question Can't add more RAM !ASAP!

Nov 5, 2019
Hey guys, so after whole day i pretty much lost my whole interest in life. Got Lenovo m90p 5984 desktop, with motherboard that is supporting rams up to 16gb with 4 slots. Got already originaly in 2 rams 2gb each, 1300mhz, so it's pretty much [language], but anyway let's get into it. I've read, before adding or changing anything, hundreds of threads and nothing really helped me, because I have kinda different and unique problem here. I tried to update my BIOS with manifacturing site, but for this desktop, they accept win xp to 8.1, meanwhile mine is 10pro. I found later their utility app which should dl newest parts for hdd,cpu and bios. After doing it, showed that updating was succesful but didn't really show what exactly was updated. Anyway, my bios is so old, that it can't show ram settings, I can only see how many gb of ram does it have. So my problem is, I got 2 more rams that I would like to replace or add. First is 4gb, 1300mhz, and second 8gb 1600mhz all of them are ddr3's and supported also. I tried every possible combination with puting and replacing these rams in slots, and nothing worked. After every single try, my PC turned on and off infinitely, I could see loading screen of Windows only for about 3s. The thing is, in bios I could see that memory of ram was really added, even up to 16gb with all full slots, but that was all. In the end the only rams that worked were these two pieces of ****. And no, I will not buy same rams like originals, because i've Seen topics where even that didn't work. I just really think that even there are 4 slots with 16gb possible memory, it's impossible to use. And it's really, really sad. If somebody could find the way to repair it, maybe I will start to enjoy life again, thanks.
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hi, u will need to use ram with same sizes in pairs
u cant use 2x 2gb + 1x4gb + 1x8gb

that 16GB limit means up to 4GB ram modules are only supported
like 4x 4GB ram to have that 16GB
so u will need te throw away your 8gb module, and get another 4GB module with same/smilira specs as your other 4gb module, or get dual channel 8GB/16GB kit (2x4 or 4x4)
Thanks guys for fast reply,.. well your answer is really simple, in few days i'm gonna try it and will let you know. Mine problem was, I eliminated this answer straight from start, because I've got second desktop with 2 slots of ram, and it's even older motherboard with amd. And I tried to took away originals 2x2gb and put just one 8gb that I mentioned, and it worked perfectly. And when I tried it with this, newer motherboard and saw this problem, head started to hurt. But if the answer is that simple with 4x4 slots, i'm smarter and happier little man.
One more thing.. When I putted this 8gb ram, and when I checked ram status in bios, it showed 8gb memory but only 1,333mhz instead of 1600. If my bios doesn't support ram settings, overclocking and so, is it worth putting there new rams with more than 1300mhz? Or when they will be inside as pairs, bios and system will recognize it and automaticly identify?
oh my bad, it's 5498, and my cpu is intel core i5 vpro, 660 @ 3,33GHz Dual, I wonder if it will be possible to add rams up to 2100mhz, since I wanted to make best version of this desktop
Thanks a lot for important infos. First thing will be buying same 4gb ram as I ve already got, and than I will try to experiment a bit more. Google said that motherboard over cpu, so there will be probably no chance to go over 8gb, sadly.. But soon when I plug 2x4, and it will hopefully work, I will try to add these little 2x2 and will see, if I should buy more 4gbs or not.
Last thing, I realized, when you said if it has 4 slots and limit is 16gb, than only way is 4x4. But if this motherboard has 4 slots and supports only 8gb, than the only way will be 2x2x2x2 right?