Question Can't format HDD


Feb 17, 2016
I have been trying to format an HDD using your tutorial and the "diskpart" method. Unfortunately after I get to the command line and enter "diskpart" per your tutorial, I do not get a diskpart window to continue. Using Win 10 Pro and trying to format a 2 1/2" Seagate drive that I have completely erased. Can you give me hand, please? I have a screenshot but I can never remember how to attach it.
Who are you referring to when you say "your tutorial"? Because what goes on on the editorial side of things, where you see reviews and articles, is strictly "other side of the fence" from what goes on in the forums. And in the forums, there are literally hundreds, or more, of members who've posted various "tutorials" through the years. So, what tutorial are you referring to?

As to posting images here, my guide explains how to do that.

Personally, I much prefer using a desktop partition manager application when it comes to managing partitions and formatting drives (Except when it must be done outside of the Windows environment), and the free version of Paragon partition manager is what I primarily use. It does practically anything you could want to do when it comes to managing partitions and formatting on any flavor of drive.

First, a special Thank You to Darkbreeze for your wonderfully detailed instructions. Being a non-techie, I could never have found my way to this procedure.

And thank you Lafong for your reply to my help request. I may have misspoken about the instructions I was attempting to follow. I surely thought they came from this forum, as it is the only posting I have made for help. At any rate, those directions were trying to lead me to a command-line solution. I'm not sure what you would call the screen that came after my "diskpart" command. Now that I have the directions for adding an image, I'll attempt to send it along for your review