Can't log into internet through repeater


I set up a Silvercrest SWR 300 A1 repeater and set it to repeater setting but I set no password. The problem is that when I try and access the repeater through wifi (and it needs to be wifi as multiple devices are going to use it) it asks for a password and I can push the reset button on the router to get it to ask for a 4/8 digit password that I have no idea where to find.

Any help?



i've alraedy set it up. It's just I set it up without a password. I can't log in, it asks for a 4/8 digit code that I dont have anywhere and it shouldn't ask for anything.

Also I was messing around with it trying to disable iit so I could remake the connection and so remake the password and now it says a completely random connection that I havn't used in years.

I dont understand it. I don't really know what to tell you because it's all so odd.


I think I broke it as i've tried to reset it but I can't get into the log in screen where you put admin password/user. I actually set it up I just couldn't log into the wifi but the ethernet worked fine so I tried to remake the connection and thats where I screwed up as the random connection that showed up is actually an old conection that we had.

I have a new one coming today as I needed one with more ethernet ports so I might just leave this.