Question Case fans keep spinning & stopping in a loop ?

Mar 15, 2024
Hello i need help.

My PC case fans that are connected to a hub keep spinning on and off and I can't control their speed even if I press it on the hub itself.

my fan is darkFlash DR12 Pro
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Look closely at how the mobo header to which your Hub is connected for how its PROFILE is set. This is the part that decides what speed to run from the temperature measured at the mobo sensor. The default fan curve is used if you specify a Normal or Standard Profile. But if you have set up your own custom Profile, you may have set the minimum speed at the lowest temperatures too low. Since you are using a Hub, ALL the fans on that Hub will do the same thing.

Why do I say this? What you describe sounds just like this. IF a fan speed is set too low it will stall. The NORMAL response of a fan header if it detects a fan stall is to try to re-start the fan by sending it a Full Speed signal. If that works and the fan starts up again, then the header will let the fan return to the speed setting it had before stalling. BUT that is the signal that CAUSED the stall in the first place, so it stall again and the cycle keeps repeating.