I've recently built a new PC and after a little working I've finally today got everything finished. The final touches were replacing the stock front 3 fans with some MasterFan MF120R argb's.
Since doing this earlier today, I've instantly noticed that some of the OTHER fans (two on the top) are making a slight rattling noise, and there's a whirring noise that I've noticed intermittently too. The whirring noise seems to coincide with the case vibrating slightly at the same time.
I'm not sure if just didn't notice these noises before as the front three fans weren't previously PWM controlled, but are now, so it's noticeably quieter.
The only other moving parts are my CPU cooler which is a MasterAir M620m and my GPU which is an ASUS ROG STRIX 2070 Super OC (has 3 fans). My case is a CoolerMaster MB530P.
I'm posting here to ask for troubleshooting steps that might help? I don't think the fans have faulty bearings or anything as they're all around a month old at the most (I know this doesn't rule anything out).
Since doing this earlier today, I've instantly noticed that some of the OTHER fans (two on the top) are making a slight rattling noise, and there's a whirring noise that I've noticed intermittently too. The whirring noise seems to coincide with the case vibrating slightly at the same time.
I'm not sure if just didn't notice these noises before as the front three fans weren't previously PWM controlled, but are now, so it's noticeably quieter.
The only other moving parts are my CPU cooler which is a MasterAir M620m and my GPU which is an ASUS ROG STRIX 2070 Super OC (has 3 fans). My case is a CoolerMaster MB530P.
I'm posting here to ask for troubleshooting steps that might help? I don't think the fans have faulty bearings or anything as they're all around a month old at the most (I know this doesn't rule anything out).