Question Changing the Front Panel Port's Output

Mar 1, 2020

I have some left over parts from my last build and I would like some help. I have this front panel port system with USB and Audio slots, but I would like to turn it portable. Would it be possible to engineer together the wiring and turn it into like a Port-to-USB block where I could connect the system to my PC with a USB? Currently it has two heads (USB, HD Audio) that go into the MOBO.

Any suggestions are welcome. :)

Thank you
I think instead of portable I meant external, as in creating a box to put on my table and easily connect my headphones/phone charger to the external panel.

The thing I am unsure of is whether it is at all possible to convert both 9-pin HD Audio and 20-pin USB 3.0 cables into one and connect it to my PC via USB 3.0.

This is what I am hoping for:
