[SOLVED] Checking if RTX 2060 is... fake

Zuher Laith

May 12, 2020

So I just got my MSI RTX 2060 Ventus XS OC from a local retailer, and I'm really concerned about it
See Its probably came from Taiwan, looks so original and scanned all the QR codes and they direct back to MSI website, nothing shady.
there is a DVI PORT IN THIS THING, what the?
there is basically 1 DP, 1 HDMI, 1 BIG DVI in this order (left to right)

where the original 2060 ventus XS has 3 DP, 1 HDMI outputs only as I saw in every single review.
what now? should I just return it back? should I concern about the durability of this card? like should I trust it and just go with it?

The looks of it: it looks 99% the same design, same box, except two things,
1: the envelope of MSI is not on the box, there is a carbon cover in replace of that envelope.
2: having a DVI Port which doesn't exist in the MSI 2060 ventus XS I believe...

I cannot test this part until for a couple of days till my other parts arrive.
as for the price of it, its the same price as any retailer in my area.

Please help on making a choice here
What does GPU Z say?

Try registering the card in the MSI Account as well and see if your Serial number is genuine or already registered or worst case scenario: NOT FOUND.
GPU-Z would be a helpful tool, unfortunately I don't have my system ready to run it, it might take 2 days to arrive.

Okay I did register it as it said on the box in my MSI account, got my S/N correct gave me
the following model: GeForce RTX 2060 VENTUS XS C 6G OCV1
its legit until that "V1" at the end, I googled it and there is a version called "RTX 2060 VENTUS XS 6G OC V1 [RTX 2060 VENTUS XS 6G OCV1" I barely found it on some russian page, mostly russian pages posted about this V1 thing.
So yeah it registered sucessfully, and has a "Standard warranty", I guess every product has that.
Also wrote a ticket to msi support to check if this does exist and something they made, not modified.

I don't have an issue with video ports in this GPU, I'm worried that this isn't original and I barely have faith this
will last as much as the original, I mean they're not gonna modify a really good gpu that has the same price as original, everything seems legit except the hardware video output twist, right?

So any thoughts? should I return it as fast as I can? or wait until system arrives and benchmark it? its highly suggested -if something is shady about this card to return it before even trying it on a system.
What does GPU Z say?

Try registering the card in the MSI Account as well and see if your Serial number is genuine or already registered or worst case scenario: NOT FOUND.
Display port for the speed. So we need that.
But HDMI is basically DVI with audio. It's really up to what you're going to use it for.

It's up to you if you want to return it. You didn't exactly pay for a DVI so that's just money wasted. And benchmarking is not going to do anything.

And do KKomrade Russians still have DVI monitors? Man. RIP. F.
that model shows that the card should only have 3 dp and 1 hdmi. it should have no dvi.

i'd return it as a fake. here's the product page for the card showing the outputs it's supposed to have


Okay so I went to return it, and everything is fine.

But he offered another brand of the same card without price difference, GIGABYTE RTX 2060 D6 6G
he said he didn't know about that ventus DVI thing, he doesn't mind returning it unless if I open the inside seal of the card.

I checked the gpu in store, it has 3 DP & 1 HDMI as descriped, looks original, with aorus graphics driver cd & manual, everything seems legit.
told him I'm taking it home for checking online benchmarks and comparing it against the MSI RTX 2060 Ventus XS OC.

Now I checked they do perform 100% the same, not sure about the temps, but in avg on cooling\performance the one from Gigabyte performed a slight better I think..
As for specification difference, the ventus core clock is 1710, but the gigabyte is 1680, is it much difference?

Now please help me on choosing..
I'm currently comfortable with the fact that this gigabyte GPU is legit and not fake, but it seems from the same vendor that those GPU's travelled from, still it looks 100% legit and original with all Box and everything and S\N, so should I stop worring?
I can still return it without testing on a system, and order another original ventus and adding 10-15$ more.
plus I'm not sure right now which is better, I don't mind both AS LONG AS they don't just stop working for few months.

Thanks, and please don't hesitate telling me any tips about this.. its almost a life choice for me.
As a former owner of an MSI RTX2060 VENTUS, the legit card does not have any DVI port. Not sure why yours did. The temps were actually pretty decent and I was able to overclock it a little.

Due to Nvidia's boost depending more on cooling and power than what's written on the box, the actual clocks will be different than what the manufacturer states in many cases.

The gigabyte and MSI will perform about the same.

As long as you are sure the Gigabyte is legit, keep it. Not worth even 5 minutes to return it.
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As a former owner of an MSI RTX2060 VENTUS, the legit card does not have any DVI port. Not sure why yours did. The temps were actually pretty decent and I was able to overclock it a little.

Due to Nvidia's boost depending more on cooling and power than what's written on the box, the actual clocks will be different than what the manufacturer states in many cases.

The gigabyte and MSI will perform about the same.

As long as you are sure the Gigabyte is legit, keep it. Not worth even 5 minutes to return it.
yes that ventus is not original, returned it for the best.

Now this gigabyte version is in the GB website products (I guess the windforce / OC / normal modules are better than this D6 6G which I totally don't understand the D6 is)
I'm fine with this anyways, but I don't know how to check if its original! I need help in this..
I'm stuck right now, I can't tell if its original or lets say fake, butone thing I know if I unseal this card & plug it in it won't disappoint me with the results, but still what if its not original and made by some fake chinese factory?

I'm just not sure if its original on the inside or not, it looks 100% identical basically like its out of the factory,
How can I make sure if its legit.. if I have no choice but to check with GPU-Z, how is it gonna check if its legit?
exactly. that couple mhz on the box means pretty much nothing real world. they all boost about the same and perform pretty much identical.

enjoy what you have and don't worry about that fake card you once had.
Yes it won't matter and I'm so comfortable the fact that this doesn't look shady and its pretty decent.
What I'm worried about that the inside of this GPU is made cheap in some factory in china..
View: https://imgur.com/X4MFHCb

Here are photos of S/N of the card, I don't think gigabyte has that "registeration" feature of products.
I sent them also a ticket to make sure and just check it.

I don't need to worry that much, until I can't return it after unsealing it for whatever cause.
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the writing is fine from what i've seen. they would have asian language if sold around the asian markets.

i had ones i bought in the US have such stickers as well. looks legit to me but wait for GB to get back to you and then give it a shot. gpu-z will verify what the chip/ram/specs are to be sure it's the right gpu.

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the writing is fine from what i've seen. they would have asian language if sold around the asian markets.

i had ones i bought in the US have such stickers as well. looks legit to me but wait for GB to get back to you and then give it a shot. gpu-z will verify what the chip/ram/specs are to be sure it's the right gpu.

Yes as we saw everything looks fine even the card itself, so original..

So I posted in a local group of pc gaming on facebook in my area, here's what they said:
this card is for the asian market regions.
They advised me the following:
45% of people who had an experince with this said its super normal, the asian texts and should keep it and enjoy.
35% said I should return it ASAP only because they heard that parts come like this are fake and not reliable, and get another one from another city..
20% of people said I should open it and check GPU-Z, which if I unseal the card I can't return it for having it "fake" in gpu-z.
Also someone said they contacted gigabyte for a motherboard that had asian writings on the packaging, they replied that its original and should work normally but it won't have their warrenty.

gigabyte didn't respond to me yet, they take about 3 days to reply.

Now what I feel and of is, if I open it and plug it in, I'm going to see the card isn't fake with all original informations, not worth of another 1 week journey to just find another one.

based on this, what do you suggest?
does not sound like you have much of an option as to where you can get a card. sounds like it is probably legit based on my experience. i'd give it a shot. it's up to you inthe end as its your money, but unless you can go elsewhere and be more confident in your purchase, then you have little choice.
does not sound like you have much of an option as to where you can get a card. sounds like it is probably legit based on my experience. i'd give it a shot. it's up to you inthe end as its your money, but unless you can go elsewhere and be more confident in your purchase, then you have little choice.
yeah it was really hard to make a choice..
I found one deal that would cost me 35$ more from a reseller in another city, a total of 380-385$.. depends on shipping.
Also gigabyte replied and said that they have the S/N in their system but its not from their local distributer, meaning I don't have their company's warranty which I won't have anyways in my area, but they said I should get that warrenty from whoever reseller I got it from.. and its only a 1month war, I'm fine with that.

So yeah I'm good, more than happy with that I got!
I might've just learned a lesson with buying a first gpu.

Thanks for sticking with me till the end bro!
the writing is fine from what i've seen. they would have asian language if sold around the asian markets.

i had ones i bought in the US have such stickers as well. looks legit to me but wait for GB to get back to you and then give it a shot. gpu-z will verify what the chip/ram/specs are to be sure it's the right gpu.

Hi again

I'm replying after I just built the PC finally yesterday,
I got GPU-Z installed and I got all the statistics are absolutely correct

How about that?

one thing confuses me is, when I press the "lookup" button, it says its not in their database, maybe the model is rare\not that much searched?

hope you could answer me on that..
appreciate it!
Legit. Some people specifically look for those DVI-D interfaced cards for professional-grade monitors. No, HDMI or DP with an adapter will not give you the same DVI-D with a large resolution with a high frame rate.
but still even that first RTX 2060 Ventus XS that I returned, they both came from the same vendor, you think it might also be legit? even with the factory-twist of the video outputs?

I started to believe that it was legit.. but not so legit since it barely exists in google pictures on some random russian websites.
I started to believe that it was legit.. but not so legit since it barely exists in google pictures on some random russian websites.
Not every model is widely available on every market, but it does not make it less or more legit.
Keep in mind that not every website uses its own pictures for products, and most of them use generic ones from the manufacturer websites instead. Even Gigabyte on their own website state that the pictures are for illustration only and the actual product might be different. The right way to check is to get it registered and check the warranty.
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