
Jun 25, 2003
Can someone explain to me Intel's different chipset types and what advantages one would have over the other? Whenever I'm reading reviews about Intel chips, they'll often refer to the chipset and it just goes over my head. Just trying to be informed as possible.

<font color=red>Urban Geek </font color=red>


Former Staff
Current chipsets are based on the i875P and all use the same core:

1.) The i875P is Intel's top chipset
2.) The i865PE is the i875P with some circuits removed from the ball grid, which would be needed to support ECC memory (not a big concern for PC's). Intel also tried to disable a memory shortcut that reduced latencies, but motherboard manufacturers found a workaround.
3.) The i865P are the defective i865PE chipsets that Intel says aren't good enough to run 800 bus processors.
4.) The i865G is the i865PE with onboard video added. It also supports an AGP slot, making it a reasonable choice for people who don't want to use a video card now but might want to later.
5.) the i848 is the i865PE with dual-channel memory addressing disabled. It's the worst performer.

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Jun 25, 2003
I'll have to print this out because I'll need to refer to this the next time I buy a chip. Thanks Crash.

<font color=red>Urban Geek </font color=red>