Class Action Filed Against Electronic Arts Over Battlefield 4

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Oct 27, 2013
Figured something like this would occur. Way too many issues with this game for people to just roll over and accept it. Never saw a console game have this many problems. To this day I can't play campaign and be able to save my progress.


Jun 4, 2012
What about all of us who gave EA money and expected something in return? Anyone paying attention to EA over the last few years knew they were gambling money on EA's stock (worst company 3 years running, botch roll outs of several games, important devs leaving, etc). Is there anyone wiling to protect us gamers who actually paid for a product instead of some wealthy jackass lawyer representing some wealthy asshole who was making a bet on the stock market?


Oct 30, 2013
Last EA/DICE i bought was BFBC2 and i swear never again....

In watched with amusement all the crap (yeah , that's the only world that can describe it) made by EA/DICE since then like MoH, BF3, MoHW and BF4....

The most funny thing is that new game as the same type of issues than previous....only WORSE.



Apr 23, 2009
I'm with you Harrah. Can't even get the campaign to work. Should never have pre-ordered. Say what you want about cod. It works.... Can't say that for bf4


Aug 10, 2012
Game companies serve stock holders, not gamers.
Oil companies serve stock holders, not drivers.
Governments serve stock holders, not citizens.

Go indie.


Feb 10, 2009
First of all any game out there will have issues , second ..the money from this crap type lawsuits will get into the pockets of some dirty ass lawyers. So no matter how bad the game was at start this leaches can go suck it up, they don`t deserve the money. I don`t feel bad for stockholders ... they have more money than any of us could ever dream of anyway, the consumer who was affected by the bugs will get nothing but hopes that one day this game will function 100%. For me personally except the netcode everything works fine since the last update. 1 more month and probaly every body will forget how bad the game was at start.
Honestly they had it coming so many problems from the start. The beta was a nightmare and they fix one problem and create another with their updates. Luckily bf3 turned out good towards the end. Bf4 atleast plays well on pc and looks good so i cant complain besides the glitches still


Oct 14, 2011
I'm trying to get my money back. This is the very first time I've ever asked for a refund on a video game purchase.

My buddy talked me into it, and it's been complete garbage. The lag and bugs make engagements basically random outcomes and now with the first DLC out, you can't play on servers with DLC maps in their rotation. So if a server has the 10 base maps and 1 DLC map, you can't play on that server without buying the DLC.


Dec 18, 2013
Honestly the game runs find MOST of the time. But since everyone is experiencing it, the least EA could do is offer the premium add on for free to existing users whom have to put up with the crashes. THAT"S THE LEAST!


Mar 20, 2013
well if you buy stock actions then yuo know you are playing roulette, when you buy actions you are speculating. So if you wanna make money put that money to work in a real business not just one based on speculations.


Mar 20, 2013
@Roger Rogers
if you are experiencing that many issues and blue screens it looks like you are having hardware issues. Have you checked your drivers? memory timings and things alike? have you tried isolating your hardware? have you tried taking a look at windows logs? maybe you get some clue to discover the issue.


Oct 23, 2013

We're busy online enjoying the game lol.

At least for me I'm happy of the improvements they made as quickly as possible. On PC, I personally no longer experience any issues anymore compared to what launch had going on. On my consoles though that is certainly a different story as they essentially have to wait for Sony and Microsoft QA approvals before release.

I definitely don't support the launch, it was poorly done and obviously rushed as many titles seem to be under EA's watch as a publisher. From SWOTR, Sim City, and now BF4.... all were rushed and needed more time to be polished. I didn't appreciate the b.s. customer appreciation they did with x2 XP and a stupid weapon attachment either. Sim City only experienced issues for 1-2 weeks and customers were given a free game (with a decent selection to choose from)..not sure why this wasn't done with BF4.

Sadly every publisher seems to be just garbage in customer service... any that did were bought out or went out of business.

Deleted member 1353997


That's odd, because the last time I've encountered a BSOD was on Windows 7. Windows 8 and 8.1 have never crashed on any of my 3 computers, yet BF 4 has, and more than once.

You know what they say about experience: "It doesn't matter how much experience you have, if you never learn from it."

I just Googled your BSOD "SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION" and the first few results are about people who had it on Windows 7.
On this thread and this one, the BSOD seems to have been caused by "very old drivers".

I assume the cause would be very similar, if not the same on Windows 8 or 8.1.

The fact that a lawsuit has been filed and the reasons for that lawsuit lead me to question the veracity of your comment.


Oct 23, 2013

While I hate to even get involved in this argument... let's face it... there wasn't much of a change to CoD. Even then it was plagued with bugs during launch especially on PC and runs like complete crap.

Beta (unless you want to consider that public alpha lol) ran much better than launch did. Not sure why you say it ran like a nightmare because it actually was quite stable for such an early "beta" build. This is something frequently discussed on the Battlelog forums as well... many were surprised as to how they went backwards on things because they had minimal problems on beta itself.


Oct 8, 2013
As an old time gamer, it is nothing new to have problems with a new game. They are becoming more and more complex and will therefore be prone to more bugs and glitches. I knew from the start BF4 wouldn't be good out of the box. If EA came out and said they were postponing the release to work out the bugs, people would complain about that.

As it is now, I'm enjoying the game. Windows 8.1 works fine, better than 7 in fact.

There are good servers with no lag, others with some lag and others with a lot of lag.

If a law firm sends me a legal form to fill out to join in a lawsuit, I will not oblige. Maybe if games cost $200 but had no bugs, crashes or glitches, people would be happy.........NOT.



Oct 23, 2013

That's because you're basing your information on the slow news that is Tom'shardware. This lawsuit has been well under development for over a month now and stemmed from the announcement to discontinue all other game progress and DLCs under Dice development until issues with BF4 were resolved. Where Tom's obtained the information that game sales of BF4 were discontinued is beyond me because that wasn't what was announced.

Since that announcement the game has significantly been improved for majority of those playing. In addition they increased the communication of ongoing progress towards fixes between Dice and the community. In any sales market the most vocal ones are always those experiencing problems, not those actually satisfied. So while it's unfortunate that there are those still experiencing issues, there are plenty of us actually enjoying the game.

i played bfbc2, loved it. bf3 (around 600hrs), it was good, yes it was buggy at first but most were ironed out.
bf4, crash issues, havent played long enough after the china rising expansion. But so far no crash for me (unlike before).

but i like this better than COD (except cod4). Main reason i play, i play with my clan mates. Never considered it the best game ever, but between cod and this, ill take this. It was better before EA took over btw, before maps were free


Dec 18, 2013
They really earn they're title of Worse Company in America. I'm so glad I didn't buy Need for Speed Rivals. While it looks great, they didn't build any steering wheel support into the game. It's a frigging auto racing game with NO steering wheel support. Someone came up with a work around in order to use a steering wheel but I'm not going to bother. I'm just NOT BUYING anything from EA ever again! Or at least until they get their you know what together and then I will still wait for about a year after a game comes out before I buy it.
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