Class action suit half life 2


Apr 14, 2002
if you bought half life 2 before november 16th at a store and are as pissed off as I am about not being able to play it please sign below. I would seriously like to get a class action suit going against vivindi. I bought the full version of a game in a box at a retail store and come to find out now I can't play it. I call bull. who's with me?!

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Nov 25, 2003
About 50 minutes after you posted this, the game was unlocked and playable for you. Do you really think your class action suit will have a chance?

Rest assured I'm not a friend of Vivendi's and I wish you the best of luck but I do not think you will even find a court where they want to take on your class action suit. This is going to be one big waste of money.


<A HREF="" target="_new">New World Order</A>


Jun 25, 2003
18,980 with it...The game wasn't set for release until Nov 16, 2004 at 12:00am Pacific Standard Time. Now, I don't know what timezone your in, but maybe you whould tkae that into account.

Not to mention the fact that you were lucky you were even able to buy it before then.

The online verification system was turned on 12:01am PST. Suck it up, be a man, and just play the damn game.

XP2800+, Abit NF7, 1GB Dual-Channel DDR333, ATI R9800PRO 128MB, TT PurePower 420W, LG DVD+-R/RW
:redface: <font color=red>My wife says I suffer from premature ejaculation...I don't remember suffering<font color=red> :wink:


and if you won the class action, you would get pennies, while the attorneys get millions.
Class actions suits are for sukahs.

<font color=red><pre>_____________________________________
And the sign says "You got to have a membership card to get inside" Huh
So I got me a pen and paper And I made up my own little sign</pre><p></font color=red>


May 26, 2003
I dont care what other say but your right. They should not have allowed and DL done or any copy sold till those friggin servers where online.

<i><font color=red>Only an overclocker can make a computer into a convectional oven.</i></font color=red>


Jun 4, 2003
1st of all get over it, some people purchased HL2 months before it was released and couldnt play it. If you were anything of a gamer you would of knew that it wouldnt be activated until Nov 16th. For the time it was unlocked I was able to play it at 7:30am CST on Nov. 16. So that would have made the unlocking on or before that time.


Apr 14, 2002
just trying to see what kinda replies I'd get. quite a bit of flamers I see.

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Nov 25, 2003
If you call the responses you got here flames, then be sure to wear your asbestos suit when you go out and play on the big forums out there (or any of the larger fori of THG for that matter).


<A HREF="" target="_new">New World Order</A>


Apr 14, 2002
ya know big mac there's a reason I don't post that often anymore :D it didn't used to be like this, back in the day when somebody complained everybody jumped on board and started complaining back. now everyone complains about complaining haha

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Aug 30, 2003
we all might have gotten on board if yur complaint had a point to it. I think people just get annoyed when they read stupid posts. Maybe the quality of posters has improved since u joined this forum??

"Its only when you look at ants closely with a magnifying glass on a sunny day that you realise how often they burst into flames"


Apr 14, 2002
well wheres the fun in that, I want the most dispicable ragtag idiots possible to talk to haha

no I really was pretty pissed though I bought the full version of a game in a store got home, installed it and what the hell I can't play it yet? did some research and found out that I had to wait 6 more hours to play a game that wasn't released yet... but I had it in my hands... I never liked the idea of steam because I was afraid of [-peep-] like this happening. tell me you wouldn't complain if you went out and paid almost 60 bucks for a game you couldn't play? If other software publishers adopt this idea I'll gurantee you guys will have some more complaining on your hands.

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Aug 30, 2003
i wont argue cos I still don't even the have the game (problem with living 30+miles away from nearest games shop) and yeah I agree I think the steam verification process happens to be the biggest load of [-peep-] I have ever come accross.... ever. It appalls me that in order to play their game I have to go through that process.... Personally I reckon if there is a crack available by the time I get the game (Sunday) then I'll crack it

"Its only when you look at ants closely with a magnifying glass on a sunny day that you realise how often they burst into flames"


Nov 25, 2003
Not liking what a publisher/developer of a game is doing, is no excuse for piracy. Just talk with your wallet. If you wanna play, buy it (and swallow activation, go to the valve forums and complain about it there). If you think steam is that bad an idea, dont play the game. If people would do that, that would be a signal to change a release policy. Pirating software only makes it worse as they will come up with even more devious schemes. Personally, steam is working great for me. And if you live in the middle of nowhere you should buy the game through steam, don't have to go out and buy it then. And you can back up your games (on CD or DVD), and no you will not have a booklet or CDs but the retail version does not have a booklet either, and CDs are dead cheap anyway.

The reason why Steam exists is not for controlling Piracy (although they try to utilize it for that) but for online distribution of games. By forcing customers to activate through steam you will also get to see all the great offers they will be distributing via steam only, later.


<A HREF="" target="_new">New World Order</A>


Aug 30, 2003
I live in rural Kerry Ireland meaning I don't have a fast internet connection.... I connect to the net at 28.8k MAX so downloading games would require a wee bit of patience and a large chunk of my life which I'm not prepared to give. I also badly want to play HL2 meaning I'll but the game. Boycotting something like HL2 is not an option. Finally if its easier and faster for me to download a crack to play my game rather than register it with steam ( a friend of mine with a dialup took 2 hours to complete the process) then thats what I'll do.

"Its only when you look at ants closely with a magnifying glass on a sunny day that you realise how often they burst into flames"


Nov 25, 2003
If you were living in Manhattan you would not buy it either, arguing that it is too expensive. Give me a break, you're just a common little thief. Because the chance of getting caught (or getting sued) is rather small there are many of those around lately.

I would love to drive a BMW if I had the money for one, but I don't and I'm not going to steal one, either. I'll just stick to salivating when one is overtaking me in traffic. Not buying something is always an option, it's a frequent option for me (wish I could buy more).

Not being able to play HL2 because your internet connection sucks is just too bad. Get a better connection. They don't offer it where you live? If you are really adamant about that, go live somewhere else. If you want my sympathy for your current living situation, you can have it (really), but it's never an excuse to steal (violate copyrights, for you nutpickers out there).


<A HREF="" target="_new">New World Order</A>


Feb 21, 2004
Get a better connection.
What about people with no internet or users such as post secondary students that are behind a firewall. To be fair online registration has always pissed me the hell off I never register online and HL2 wont change that. Now in this case I have to since I do have access to the internet. But cracking it for when I am at LAN parties with no internet connection is going to have to be a must.


<font color=red>Post created with being a dickhead in mind.</font color=red>
<font color=white>For all emotional and slanderous statements contact THG for all law suits.</font color=white>


you post good common sense, but in order for it to make sense, you have to have a functioning moral compass, and more and more people are proving that they don't have one or ignore it. The reality is that small crimes numb them and creates a sort of snowball effect, which leads to many of the problems with our country.

<font color=red><pre>\\//__________________________________
And the sign says "You got to have a membership card to get inside" Huh
So I got me a pen and paper And I made up my own little sign</pre><p></font color=red>


Better get then while the gettins good.

<font color=red><pre>\\//__________________________________
And the sign says "You got to have a membership card to get inside" Huh
So I got me a pen and paper And I made up my own little sign</pre><p></font color=red>


Aug 30, 2003
WTF???? I bought the game for christs sake and had every intention of buying the game... What I was saying was that if I could download a crack quicker to bypass the registering section than actually registering then I would. As it turned out I couldn't be bothered and just registered as normal and spent 2 hours twiddling my thumbs as a result... At no stage above did I say I was gonna download/obtain a pirated copy of the game.... take yur time and read my posts correctly in future. EDIT: dumbass.... (I felt an insult was warranted at the end there)

"Its only when you look at ants closely with a magnifying glass on a sunny day that you realise how often they burst into flames"<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by wolfy on 11/22/04 06:00 AM.</EM></FONT></P>


Dec 31, 2007
I've got to agree with you wolfy. BigMac was being a Big ... something. I was able to follow you. In fact I agree with you. Had I not already registered, I'd have highly consider cracking to be free of Steam. I just didn't want to wait that long to play. :)

<pre><b><font color=red>"Build a man a fire and he's warm for the rest of the evening.
Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life." - Steve Taylor</font color=red></b></pre><p>


Nov 25, 2003
If you enjoy insulting me, feel free to do so :smile: Just write your posts so clear that dumbasses like me can understand them, if you're annoyed at my response that is.

Did you read up on what ValvE did today? They banned 20000 accounts because these used an illegal key. Quite some amusing responses by people who say they bought a legit copy but used this key to activate their copy (duh?!).

Imagine what they would do if they could detect these fixes of bypassing steam (for example if the "fix" includes some code that will report back to ValvE once an internet connection is present). Btw, I agree with you that when someone has a legit copy, and just wants to use a hack/fix to bypass steam then they should be free to do so, but if you read the EULA that comes with HL2 then you will find that that is a violation of the EULA. Also ValvE is not alone in that, many publishers include such statements that you are not allowed to modify (such crucial parts of) the game in any way. Bottom line, if you do not want to adhere with such restrictions you should not be buying games that have them in their EULA.

The problem with such hacks/fixes is that they're prone to abuse (by people that do not buy legit copies).


<A HREF="" target="_new">New World Order</A>


Dec 31, 2007
BigMac, no offense, but your logic isn't very logical. I suppose in your opinion no one should ever overclock any component of their PC either and if they do then their PC should report to a remote server and be deactivated permanently?

<pre><b><font color=red>"Build a man a fire and he's warm for the rest of the evening.
Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life." - Steve Taylor</font color=red></b></pre><p>