Hi, I know that there are quite similar questions to mine on here but I just had to make sure that it works for my specific lineup so please excuse me on that.
So I recently got a whole new computer and the only thing that I kept was my GPU. I'm facing the problem that I want to clone my whole entire drive which is currently a sata sad and I want to clone every single file and partition over to a new one basically so that when I turn on the PC I get my exact same desktop and all of the startup programs run at...well startup. I have my HDD accounted for because I just connected it to my new PC and dragged all of my files over to my new and bigger HDD but the problem with the whole cloning of my old boot SSD to my new boot nvme is that I'm not sure that I'll get every single file and setting for every program and windows and for that I wanted to open a new post on here so that someone of you beautiful fellas could help me with my specific problem and that I could ask them specific questions to my problem if needed.
Again sorry for my selfishness and thanks very very much in advance, guys. <3
So I recently got a whole new computer and the only thing that I kept was my GPU. I'm facing the problem that I want to clone my whole entire drive which is currently a sata sad and I want to clone every single file and partition over to a new one basically so that when I turn on the PC I get my exact same desktop and all of the startup programs run at...well startup. I have my HDD accounted for because I just connected it to my new PC and dragged all of my files over to my new and bigger HDD but the problem with the whole cloning of my old boot SSD to my new boot nvme is that I'm not sure that I'll get every single file and setting for every program and windows and for that I wanted to open a new post on here so that someone of you beautiful fellas could help me with my specific problem and that I could ask them specific questions to my problem if needed.
Again sorry for my selfishness and thanks very very much in advance, guys. <3